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April 27, 2016

Reviewing the final SCOTUS oral argument week that was full of criminal justice issues

As noted in this post last week, three of the final five cases that the Justice were scheduled to hear during this last week of the Term's oral arguments involved criminal justice issue.  The highest-profile and perhaps most consequential of these cases was argued today  concerning the public corruption verdict against former Virginia Gov Bob McDonnell.  Thanks to the always great folks at SCOTUSblog, I can link here to two posts about the McDonnell and to single post on the two other cases heard yesterday:

April 27, 2016 at 04:58 PM | Permalink


Count me among those who hope McDonnell wins. I realize that lots of people have problems with money in politics, me too. But trying to turn the executive into the morality police only plays into the hands on those who want a unity executive. So one seeks refuge from the deep blue sea by flying into the arms of the devil? Nonsense. Whatever the question was, this prosecution wasn't the right answer.

Posted by: Daniel | Apr 27, 2016 9:17:13 PM

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