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February 21, 2017

A few notable criminal justice panels at CPAC

It is around that time of year for the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), and the misbehavior of one conservative is generating all the pre-CPAC buzz. But, as has been the story for the last few years, sentencing fans should be intrigued by some of the criminal justice reform programming appearing on the CPAC 2017 agenda. Specifically, I found notable these two panels scheduled for Friday this week:

Prosecutors Gone Wild

Moderator: Pat Nolan, ACU Foundation Center for Criminal Justice Reform

David A. Keene, The Washington Times

Sidney Powell, Former U.S. Attorney

Kevin Ring, Families Against Mandatory Minimums


Conservatives Leading the Way on Criminal Justice Reform in State Capitals

Moderator: David Safavian, ACU Foundation Center for Criminal Justice Reform

State Rep. Julie Emerson (LA-39)

Marc Levin, Right on Crime, Texas Public Policy Foundation

Pat Nolan, ACU Foundation Center for Criminal Justice Reform

February 21, 2017 at 11:43 PM | Permalink


These are pro-criminal, Washington elite scum, enemies of free speech.

Milo said, transgender people are at high risk for being sex offenders. And..., he was right, as always.

Posted by: David Behar | Feb 22, 2017 12:02:12 AM

Thancks Davin, i aprove what you write....These are pro-criminal, Washington elite scum, enemies of free speech.

Posted by: Copiat Examene | Feb 28, 2017 3:07:42 PM

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