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March 2, 2017
Leading congressional Dems calling upon AG Sessions to resign, which means.....?
As reported in this new ABC News article, "Sen. Chuck Schumer today joined several Democratic lawmakers in calling for Attorney General Jeff Sessions' resignation amid reports that he met with the Russian ambassador to the United States on two occasions, despite denying during his confirmation hearing that he had made contact with Russian officials." Here is more:
"The information reported last night makes it clear beyond the shadow of a doubt that Attorney General Sessions cannot possibly lead an investigation into Russian interference in our elections or come anywhere near it," the New York senator and minority leader said of revelations that Sessions had contact with the Russians last year.
He added: "There cannot be even the scintilla of doubt about the impartiality and fairness of the attorney general, the top law enforcement official of the land. After this, it's clear Attorney General Sessions does not meet that test. Because the Department of Justice should be above reproach, for the good of the country, Attorney General Sessions should resign.”
Schumer’s comments echoed those of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi Wednesday evening who said, "Jeff Sessions lied under oath during his confirmation hearing before the Senate. Under penalty of perjury, he told the Senate Judiciary Committee, 'I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians.’ We now know that statement is false."
For his part, Sessions said in a statement Wednesday night that, "I never met with any Russian officials to discuss issues of the campaign. I have no idea what this allegation is about. It is false."
Other Democratic lawmakers have called for Sessions to resign, while some say he should at least recuse himself from overseeing any investigation into the question of alleged ties between Trump officials and Russians during and after the 2016 election.
Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, and Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., have called for his resignation, as has Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo. "It is inconceivable that even after Michael Flynn was fired for concealing his conversations with the Russians that Attorney General Sessions would keep his own conversations secret for several more weeks," said Cummings, who is the ranking Democrat on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. "Attorney General Sessions should resign immediately."
According to a Justice Department official, Sessions' meetings with ambassadors were in his capacity as a senator on the Armed Services Committee and about relations between the two countries....
Many other lawmakers have stopped short of calling for resignation, but argued that the attorney general should recuse himself from leading Justice Department investigations over the alleged links between Russian officials and Trump officials, as well as Russia's purported involvement in influencing the 2016 election.
I am inclined to believe that AG Sessions and Prez Trump will resist these calls for the AG to resign over this latest Russian kerfuffle, but in all sorts of ways this development is disconcerting for the future work of the Department of Justice. Sessions seemed to me a controversial choice primarily because of his policy positions, and a whole lots of reputable folks were quick to assert that Sessions was a man of integrity who had the kind of values and character needed to be an effective Attorney General. This latest development would seem to weaken that claim and more broadly weaken Sessions' ability to be an effective AG.
UPDATE: The Attorney General has decided to recuse himself "from any matters arising from the campaigns for President of the United States." His full statement explaining that decision is available at this link. I suspect this will be more than good enough for Prez Trump and just good enough for most Republicans in Congress and not good enough for most Democrats in Congress.
March 2, 2017 at 12:28 PM | Permalink
"This latest development would seem to weaken that claim and more broadly weaken Sessions' ability to be an effective AG."
Seriously Doug? Partisanship much? Read the actual transcripts of the Senate hearings.
Posted by: federalist | Mar 2, 2017 12:50:22 PM
Need a tissue?
There was also a concern raised that Sessions would not be properly independent, particularly a worry for some regarding this Administration. But, we can put forth a general rule there (after all, critics raised the Holder/Obama connections). His involvement in the Trump campaign was a specific problem for some there.
Posted by: Joe | Mar 2, 2017 12:53:34 PM
'rats have no room to say a word: Eric "marc rich" Holder was demonstrably unfit for office.
Posted by: federalist | Mar 2, 2017 1:02:39 PM
"Item: "Sen. Susan Collins, who introduced Sessions at his conf hearing, says he needs to recuse himself & clarify statements to Judiciary Committee"
Stop being so partisan, R-Maine! Read the actual transcripts!
"But, we can put forth a general rule there (after all, critics raised the Holder/Obama connections)."
No. We can't! Holder! Hold her? No! Holder. But, she's gone. I can't hold her.
Posted by: Joe | Mar 2, 2017 1:42:26 PM
Not surprised, federalist, you are quick to come to AG Sessions defense. Do you take issue with Rep Chaffetz (hardly a D partisan) calling for Sessions to clarify his testimony and recuse from the DOJ investigation?
Posted by: Doug B. | Mar 2, 2017 1:59:38 PM
I don't know if Sessions' conduct meets the requirements for perjury, but it does appear that he is well read on the the U.S. Attorney's Manual, specifically CRM 1753: Perjury Cases -- Special Problems And Defenses -- Evasive and Unresponsive Answers.
The section, written to provide guidance to U.S. attorneys, opens with: "Occasionally, a witness will try to mislead the inquiry by giving answers to questions that, although literally true, are evasive or unresponsive." https://www.justice.gov/usam/criminal-resource-manual-1753-perjury-cases-special-problems-and-defenses-evasive-and
Sounds like he was just using the resources of his new office to study for how to testify before Congress. Although, I did think those in the legal profession were supposed to hold themselves to much higher standards when it comes to candor.
Posted by: Sean | Mar 2, 2017 2:48:33 PM
Chaffetz is being a d-bag, tbh. There is no need to "clarify", as the one meeting was likely a matter of public (or semi-public record) and the other was a chance encounter.
His current comments clarify.
The GOP needs to grow a pair. McCaskill, who is about as execrable as any 'rat, just came out with a bald-faced lie.
Posted by: federalist | Mar 2, 2017 2:53:11 PM
Federalist, I like your determination even in the face of hopeless odds. Mr. Sessions has just recused himself, the only sane course of action. Now he needs to hire the very best criminal lawyer he can find. Any volunteers from this blog?
Posted by: anon4 | Mar 2, 2017 4:21:23 PM
Federalist, Senators Rob Portman,Susan Collins, and Graham also called on Sessions to recuse himself. The tide is running against you.
Posted by: anon12 | Mar 2, 2017 4:53:55 PM
Prof. Berman, is this starting to look like a new Watergate? For those of you too young to remember, consider the aftermath of that scandal:
The final toll included:
one presidential resignation
one vice-presidential resignation – although Agnew’s crimes were unrelated to Watergate
40 government officials indicted or jailed; yes, that's right 40!
H.R. Haldeman and John Erlichman (White House staff), resigned 30 April 1973, subsequently jailed
John Dean (White House legal counsel), sacked 30 April 1973, subsequently jailed
John Mitchell, Attorney-General and Chairman of the Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP), jailed
Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy (ex-White House staff), planned the Watergate break-in, both jailed
Charles Colson, special counsel to the President, jailed
James McCord (Security Director of CREEP), jailed
Posted by: Michael R. Levine | Mar 2, 2017 5:02:43 PM
Mr. Levine brings up Watergate---ah, the memories. Here some are some of the players from the Watergate Affair:
Howard Baker Howard Baker was vice-chairman of the Senate Watergate Committee.
Bernard Barker Bernard Barker was one of the five men arrested for breaking into the Watergate offices of the Democratic National Committee. He pled guilty on January 15, 1973.
Carl Bernstein Carl Bernstein was a college dropout covering the local scene for the Washington Post when the Watergate saga began. Teamed with fellow Post reporter Bob Woodward, he kept the nation informed of every twist and turn of the investigation, and helped uncover conspiracies official investigators had little or no knowledge of.
Robert Bork was Solicitor General of the United States when he was thrust into the Watergate Affair. It was he who fired Special Prosecutor Cox, after both Attorney General Elliot Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus resigned.
J. Fred Buzhardt was Nixon's counsel during the final year of Watergate. It was he who devised the "Stennis compromise" over access to Nixon's White House tapes. Despite suffering a heart attack, he continued with Nixon until the last, and died in 1978.
Charles W. Colson was indicted in both the Ellsberg and Watergate cases. On June 3, 1973, he pled guilty to charges related to the Ellsberg case. Although he was the highest Nixon adviser to accept a guilty plea in either case, he never turned against the President.
Archibald Cox Archibald Cox was selected by Elliot L. Richardson to be the Watergate special prosecutor. His insistence in demanding Nixon's White House tapes infuriated the President, who demanded that Richardson fire him.
John W. Dean White House counsel John W. Dean was fired the same day that John Ehrlichman and H.R. Haldeman resigned. His week-long appearance before the Senate Watergate Committee led directly to the disclosure of Nixon's private taping system.
John Doar was chief counsel of the House impeachment inquiry.
John D. Ehrlichman Senior White House aide John D. Ehrlichman resigned at the height of the scandal in a vain attempt to save Nixon.
Sam Ervin Sam Ervin was chairman of the Senate Watergate Committee.
Mark Felt Mark Felt was a top official at the FBI in 1972. It was he who, under the code name "Deep Throat," provided inside information to Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward regarding the FBI's involvement with the Watergate cover-up. His identity was kept secret until 2005, when Felt himself confessed to family members that he was indeed the man known as "Deep Throat;" he was on his deathbed at the time.
Virgilio R. Gonzalez Virgilio R. Gonzalez was one of the five men arrested for breaking into the Watergate offices of the Democratic National Committee. He pled guilty on January 15, 1973.
L. Patrick Gray L. Patrick Gray, an ardent Nixon loyalist, was Nixon's choice to head the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He unwittingly blew the lid off the Watergate cover-up during his nomination hearings, and had to resign when it was revealed that he had burned evidence entrusted to him.
Alexander Haig Alexander Haig resigned from the Army in order to replace H.R. Haldeman as White House Chief of Staff.
H.R. Haldeman White House Chief of Staff H.R. (Bob) Haldeman resigned at the height of the scandal in a vain attempt to save Nixon.
E. Howard Hunt E. Howard Hunt, a veteran CIA clandestine service officer, was part of the Ellsberg break-in operation and recruited the Miami team for Watergate. He pled guilty on January 11, 1973.
Leon Jaworski Leon Jaworski, the second special prosecutor, authorized the grand jury to list the President as an "unindicted co-conspirator" and to submit the evidence they had to the House impeachment investigation. He retired from the position on October 25, 1973, after the jury in the Watergate conspiracy trial was sequestered.
Herbert W. Kalmbach Herbert W. Kalmbach, Nixon's personal lawyer and chief campaign fund-raiser, achieved a record of extracting large contributions from corporate contacts. He was put in charge of the initial hush money operation aimed at keeping the Watergate defendants quiet. He pled guilty to two violations of campaign financing laws, including the sale of an ambassadorial post.
Richard G. Kleindienst Richard G. Kleindienst replaced John Mitchell as Attorney General. His resignation less than a year later was followed by a criminal conviction for failing to testify fully at a congressional hearing.
Egil (Bud) Krogh Egil (Bud) Krogh, Jr., was one of Haldeman's aides when he was propelled into the heart of the Watergate conspiracy as the head of the "White House Plumbers." He pled guilty to a felony charge in connection with the break-in at the office of Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist.
Fred LaRue Fred LaRue, John Mitchell's closest lieutenant, took over distribution of hush money from Kalmbach.
G. Gordon Liddy G. Gordon Liddy teamed with E. Howard Hunt in the Ellsberg operations. He planned and led the Watergate break-in while employed as full-time counsel of the Nixon re-election committee. He was convicted on all counts resulting from the break-in, on January 30, 1973.
Jeb S. Magruder Jeb S. Magruder was the young Haldeman staffer put in charge of the re-election campaign until John Mitchell took over.
E. Rolando Martinez E. Rolando Martinez was one of the five men arrested for breaking into the Watergate offices of the Democratic National Committee. He pled guilty on January 15, 1973.
James W. McCord James W. McCord was one of the five men arrested for breaking into the Watergate offices of the Democratic National Committee. An ex-CIA man, he ripped the cover-up wide open when a wrote a letter to the trial judge charging that higher-ups were involved in the break-in. He was convicted on all counts resulting from the break-in, on January 30, 1973.
John Mitchell John Mitchell was Nixon's closest political adviser, first Attorney General, and head of his re-election campaign. At one time during the investigation, he offered to plead guilty if the Watergate prosecutors ceased their pursuit of Nixon; his offer was rejected.
Henry Petersen Henry Petersen, as assistant attorney general in charge of prosecutions, decided to restrict the scope of indictments in the first Watergate case to those directly concerned with the break-in. He was taken off the case and replaced by an independent special prosecutor.
Elliot L. Richardson Elliot L. Richardson was appointed by Nixon to replace Kleindienst as Attorney General. He was forced to resign after selecting Archibald Cox to be the Watergate special prosecutor and then refusing to fire him.
Peter Rodino Peter Rodino was chairman of the House Judiciary Committe which, in July 1974, voted to recommend three articles of impeachment against Nixon at a trial by the Senate.
William Ruckleshaus William Ruckelshaus was Deputy Attorney General under Elliot Richardson. He, like Richardson, resigned rather than carry out Nixon's order to fire Special Prosecutor Cox.
James St. Clair James St. Clair left a very successful private practice to take charge of President Nixon's Watergate defense. Despite his best efforts to keep Watergate evidence out of the hands of investigators, he lost the landmark Supreme Court case when the Justices ruled that Nixon had to surrender tape-recorded conversations.
John Sirica Federal Chief Judge John Sirica was famous for being reversed on appeal, but his rulings that the President must submit his tapes to the court were upheld by the D.C. Federal Court of Appeals and by the U.S. Supreme Court. He also helped bust the cover-up by imposing maximum sentences on all seven of the men originally charged in connection with the Watergate break-in.
Frank A. Sturgis Frank A. Sturgis was one of the five men arrested for breaking into the Watergate offices of the Democratic National Committee. He pled guilty on January 15, 1973.
Anthony T. (Tony) Ulasewicz Anthony T. (Tony) Ulasewicz was an ex-NYPD cop who was hired to act as Nixon's "private eye." He performed an array of interesting roles, from posing as a newman after Chappaquiddick to casing burglary targets like the Brookings Institution.
Rose Mary Woods Rose Mary Woods, Nixon's long-time secretary, was one of the most loyal and toughest members of the Nixon "family." She testified that she had inadvertently caused the infamous 18½-minute gap in a key White House tape when she reached to answer the telephone while transcribing the tape. Although her story was doubted by the investigating committee, she was never prosecuted.
Bob Woodward Bob Woodward was covering arraignment court proceedings when the Watergate burglars appeared to enter their pleas and was surprised to hear one of them claim to work for the White House. Teaming with fellow Post reporter Carl Bernstein, he kept the nation informed of every twist and turn of the investigation, and helped uncover conspiracies official investigators had little or no knowledge of.
Posted by: Mary from Virginia | Mar 2, 2017 5:19:45 PM
Should almost have been an indictable offense to have an organization to re-elect Nixon that easily can be abbreviated "CREEP."
"That's Crep!"
Bit premature to think Watergate, but the dripping has begun.
Posted by: Joe | Mar 2, 2017 5:39:55 PM
Just alternate facts possibly but most certainly in a non-politicians mind an outright lie. Happy to see the dems are finally learning the attack dog approach that the repubs have so effectively used for decades. Maybe it's true what goes around comes around....hoping so.
Posted by: Pat | Mar 2, 2017 6:33:56 PM
The Democratic party members of Congress cannot believe that the real America wanted change from the failure of the Washington elite. They must tell themselves that Russia must have intervened, and caused their loss.
I cannot believe the President, AG Sessions and the Republican members of Congress are not telling the Democrats and the mainstream press to go eff themselves, and that they will get nothing.
Chuck Schumer met with Putin in 2003. It was then that he was recruited to take down our nation. What should be the response to a demand for an investigation of the disloyal activity of Schumer as a Russian agent? The correct response is, go eff yourself, you get nothing.
Use the eff word. It is the most appropriate of all words.
Posted by: David Behar | Mar 3, 2017 12:52:39 AM
Per the update, perhaps looking past Trump and Congress would be useful too.
Posted by: Joe | Mar 3, 2017 11:14:09 AM
Hmmm: http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2017/03/conspire-with-russia-to-swing-presidential-election-its-been-done.php
So, the 'rats lionized a guy who tried to get the Russians to influence an election, but now insist that Sessions resign because what?
Posted by: federalist | Mar 3, 2017 11:53:35 AM
So Doug, what do you think about the Democratic party lionizing Ted Kennedy?
Posted by: federalist | Mar 3, 2017 6:12:31 PM
Federalist, how can you support this scammer-in-chief, megalomaniac-in-chief, birther-in-chief, groper-in-chief, Russian-shill-in-chief?
Posted by: Moderate Republican | Mar 4, 2017 1:32:26 AM
Mod. You are disrespecting the majority of real Americans who put Trump in office. You are siding with the failed elites of both parties, corrupted by living in that homosexual Babylon, degenerate Washington DC. Did you know that as housing prices fell 30% across the nation, those rent seekers saw increases in the value of their homes in the DC area? Why? The money the government stole and returned nothing of value for was so much, it drove the prices of their homes up.
Trump is also trying to keep his promises in the face of Republican undermining, and vicious, but fatuous Democratic nitpick gotchas.
As a consolation for your loss, of the power of the failed elite, look at the value of your assets, home, retirement plan, shares. You made a ton of money in the one day, after the election. Those values represent forward looking economic indicators. Another word for that last phrase is, hope.
You may also be an anti-Semite. Trump has Jewish relatives, daughter Ivanka and his grandchildren, and is a good friend to Israel, compared to the prior administration. The organizers of the marches against him are agents of Muslim terrorist sympathizers.
As to immigration, Trump supports it so much, he is a serial spouse of immigrants. They provide so much more value to a husband than the horrifying feminists born here.
Posted by: David Behar | Mar 4, 2017 9:28:02 AM
It's not hard, Mod, given the state of the opposition.
Posted by: federalist | Mar 4, 2017 11:51:03 AM
It is not hard for those more concerned with hating the opposition than supporting specific policies and good government as a whole. This would be much of Trump's base. For others, including many non-Democrats that oppose Trump or at least some aspects of his actions [including that final 15% or so that voted for him], it is more difficult.
Posted by: Joe | Mar 4, 2017 12:20:09 PM
Who is hating the opposition?
Posted by: David Behar | Mar 4, 2017 12:45:53 PM
Federalist and Mr. Behar,
I'm still waiting for the report from the investigators whom Trump send to Hawaii. Remember? Trump said they uncovered "spectacular" and "unbelievable" evidence concerning Obama's birth certificate. Still waiting! Are you?
I'm still waiting for the evidence that 3 to 5 million illegals voted in favor of Hillary. Are you?
I'm still waiting for the defamation lawsuits our dear leader promised he would file against the 7,8, or 9 (?) women who claimed he groped them. Are you?
I'm still waiting for our dear leader to release his tax returns. What is he hiding? Could it be the interest deductions on multi-million dollar loans from Russian oligarchs? Could it be that he has no charitable deductions? Could it show altogether phony deductions? Or gross understatements of income? In that connection, I'm still waiting for any letter from the IRS to him showing he is under audit. Are you?
I'm still waiting for him to declassify and release the transcripts of his conversations and those of his assoicates , with Russian officials, agents, or shills. Are you?
I'm still waiting for his admission that he and his associates colluded with Russia to leak anti-Hillary e-mails to influence the election in return for Trump's promise to try to get sanctions lifted. Are you?
Posted by: Emily | Mar 4, 2017 2:37:25 PM
Emily, your entire party lionized Ted Kennedy, a man who tried to conspire with the Soviets to win a presidency. Why don't we start by admitting that?
I don't recall you whining about Hillary and the Russian uranium.
Posted by: federalist | Mar 4, 2017 5:39:31 PM
Emily. I am waiting for Trump to complete the agenda he was sent to Washington to achieve by the majority of real Americans. I disagree with his immigration policy or his anti-free trade policy. I agree with his getting better deals than the nullity of Obama got for us. That guy really hated America and worked hard to take it down. I am waiting for the real drainage of the degenerate swamp of homosexual Washington DC. I want massive firing from the federal agencies, mostly of disloyal lawyers. I am waiting for massive defunding of treasonous academic institutions. I also look forward to his really putting the brakes on corporate plunder of the tax payer through rent seeking.
You wait for your trivial lawyer style gotchas. I am waiting for Trump to save America.
Posted by: David Behar | Mar 4, 2017 8:25:51 PM
"You are disrespecting the majority of real Americans who put Trump in office."
Actually, he didn't get a majority. HRC got almost 3 million more votes than he.
For the Trump apologists, Ted Kennedy has nothing to do with this. The fact is that the top law enforcement official in the US seems to have lied under oath in his confirmation hearings.
Posted by: ADC Wonk | Mar 4, 2017 9:07:30 PM
Mr. Behar writes, "I am waiting for Trump to save America."
Mr. Behar, I advise that you don't hold your breath.
Posted by: Fred | Mar 4, 2017 10:21:39 PM
ADC. Clinton won dozens of counties on the coasts, filled with tax sucking parasites. Obama DOJ encouraged illegals and felons to vote, saying there would be no prosecutions. They bused them in from poll to poll by the thousands. I have linked to a recording of this explicit tactic by a responsible official of the campaign.
Trump won thousands of counties in the real America in between. If you went 50 miles outside of Philadelphia, it was 100% Trump bumper stickers and lawn signs, next to the ones saying, Save the Coal Miner Jobs. Talk to any random stranger, including females, they intensely hated Clinton, and everything degenerate she represented.
They wanted someone to get rid of the failed elites of both Parties in degenerate Washington DC.
Trump is too soft and mainstream. He will disappoint the real America. Watch out for the guy after Trump. He will be our Duterte, or Duterte himself. After all, Duterte would be as qualified to run for President, being born in the Philippines, as Obama ever was. I would like to write the anti-lawyer profession constitutional amendment, or I will leave a draft behind if I am killed or dead.
The governments of all jurisdictions are still under 100% lawyer control, a profession in utter failure save for one job, the collecting of the $trillion rent. There is no legal recourse to this abomination. Use your imagination about what will have to take place to remove them. "The rent" here means the medieval rent. The rent of an apartment is a profit, where both sides benefit. In the Medieval rent, the money is taken by force by lord, and nothing of any value is returned, not even protection from the Vikings.
Posted by: David Behar | Mar 4, 2017 11:26:16 PM
ADC. You live in Washington. Tell the class how you feel you are at the center of the universe. Tell the class, you are better than the average American, more intelligent, more moral, and better at deciding how to run his life.
Posted by: David Behar | Mar 5, 2017 6:38:31 AM
Emily is waiting the answer of various questions.
Holder! Ted Kennedy! Stephen Douglas!
Posted by: Joe | Mar 5, 2017 10:48:27 AM
Our dear leader just tweeted that Obama tapped his phone-naturally without a shred of evidence to support his allegation. So sad.
Posted by: Fred | Mar 5, 2017 4:52:31 PM
I note that Emily above posted the things she was waiting for:
I'm still waiting for the report from the investigators whom Trump send to Hawaii. Remember? Trump said they uncovered "spectacular" and "unbelievable" evidence concerning Obama's birth certificate. Still waiting! Are you?
I'm still waiting for the evidence that 3 to 5 million illegals voted in favor of Hillary. Are you?
I'm still waiting for the defamation lawsuits our dear leader promised he would file against the 7,8, or 9 (?) women who claimed he groped them. Are you?
I'm still waiting for our dear leader to release his tax returns. What is he hiding? Could it be the interest deductions on multi-million dollar loans from Russian oligarchs? Could it be that he has no charitable deductions? Could it show altogether phony deductions? Or gross understatements of income? In that connection, I'm still waiting for any letter from the IRS to him showing he is under audit. Are you?
I'm still waiting for him to declassify and release the transcripts of his conversations and those of his assoicates , with Russian officials, agents, or shills. Are you?
I'm still waiting for his admission that he and his associates colluded with Russia to leak anti-Hillary e-mails to influence the election in return for Trump's promise to try to get sanctions lifted. Are you?
Now, I am also still waiting for evidence from Trump that Obama wiretapped is phone at Trump Tower. I'm waiting and waiting.
The danger of course, is that this man has proven himself to be a pathological liar. Far worse and more pernicious than the boy who cried "wolf." Not good for us. Sometime soon, he's really going to want us to believe him because there truly is a wolf at the door, but because he has no crediblity, we won't. Bad for us. So sad.
Posted by: anon5 | Mar 6, 2017 10:04:10 AM
Our dear leader is doing what all pathological liars do: lie, lie, lie.
Posted by: Henry from Virginia | Mar 6, 2017 12:03:35 PM
Emily. Those are trivial, lawyer style gotchas. He was sent to Washington by the majority of real Americans to do a job. He is carrying out his promises to those voters. The rest is playing Washington games, all inspired by lawyers.
Trump is pretty good at these games. He is good at making diversionary claims, at threatening people, at puffery. As a spectator, I feel, let the vipers attack each other, as long as he keeps his promises.
I would support criminalizing these lawyer games.
Posted by: David Behar | Mar 6, 2017 12:23:59 PM
I am wondering if David Behar can define his term "Real Americans" that he used several times in this string. Given that the President received about 7% of the Black vote and less than a majority of the female vote, and he said that the President received a majority of "Real American's" votes...it makes me wonder who he thinks are "Real Americans?"
Posted by: Kelly | Mar 6, 2017 12:27:42 PM
Forgive my English. I am using Babel to help translate. Although all I do is knit all day to await the return of the Guillotine, I must take issue with Mr. Behar's assertion that our dear leader "is carrying out his promises to those voters." How so? Also I must take issue with his assertion that Trump "was sent to Washington by the majority of real Americans." Mr. Trump lost the popular vote by about 3 million votes. And contrary to our dear leader's wild allegations (almost every one of which proves to be false), these votes were cast by "Real Americans."
Posted by: Madam DeFarge | Mar 6, 2017 1:17:19 PM
Kelly. The real America is in the thousands of counties in the middle of the nation that sent Trump to stop the rent seeking elites of homosexual Babylon in Washington DC, both Republican and Democratic. The dozens of counties that voted for Clinton on the coasts are filled with tax sucking parasites, and sick freaks. Not the real America.
These faux-Americans are invited to move to Venezuela where they would feel more comfortable, and at home. Venezuela recently solved its toilet paper shortage. It has a bread shortage. And, you will love this one. Venezuela is totally overlawyered, even more than the USA. Venezuela is our future if we do not stop the lawyer profession. Venezuela has the ideal income equality. Everyone is equally impoverished, and likely to be victimized by rampant criminal gangs.
Posted by: David Behar | Mar 7, 2017 2:16:50 AM
Chere Madame. Allez vous faire enculer par une belette.
Posted by: David Behar | Mar 7, 2017 2:24:18 AM
So, "Real America," in your "humble" opinion is contingent on being from a county that voted for Trump. I live on the East Coast in a state that did not vote for Trump, I am Black, and I lost a leg in Afghanistan, and according to you I am not a "Real American." I would love for you to say that to my face, as well to the faces of my fellow soldiers who lost their lives for the right for you to spout your Anti-American rhetoric who lived on the East Coast, or the West Coast. You, Sir, are exactly what's wrong with this country.
Posted by: Kelly | Mar 7, 2017 8:15:52 AM
Kelly. Sorry for your loss. You were misled into voting for the Democratic Party, the party of the KKK, 100 years ago, and the party of an excess of 5000 murders of black men today, the one that destroyed the black family.
I would like to meet you, so you can explain taking our $trillions and getting chased out of 6 countries by Stone Age savages with $50 weapons, once again under the leadership of the Democratic Party. I cannot help if you are being fooled into voting against every single one of your personal interests, economic, military, and health interests.
You can probably easily kick my ass. But, you would be proving the failure of your position, and the violent tendencies of the faux blacks in our nation. Real blacks from Africa are doing as well as whites on the 2010 Census, are much sought after by employers, and have a low violent crime rate. All the left has is personal attack. The facts abandoned the left 100 years ago.
I would be demanding a cheek swab. It is likely to show your DNA came from the British isles. Faux American. Faux Black. Faux Warrior. Unfortunately Very Real Victim of the Democratic party.
I demand you explain why blacks repeatedly vote for the Democrats when they destroyed the black family, when they keep blacks in poverty and government dependency. They allow 5000 excess black people to be murdered a year, when they destroyed the . It took the Klan 100 years to lynch 5000 blacks. It is taking the modern Democratic Party a year to do the same. It is 100 times more lethal to black young men than the Klan ever was.
Real blacks, the ones with very dark skins, from Africa recently, are more likely to vote Republican.
Posted by: David Behar | Mar 7, 2017 9:54:47 AM
I will no longer be reading this obviously racist drivel that is coming from this blog. I never threatened violence to you, I simply know that people say what they do on the computer but do not have the guts to say it to someone face to face. For you not only to call me not a "Real American" but to also say that I am a "faux Black" is more than I can take. This kind of racist rant should not be allowed here.
Posted by: Kelly | Mar 7, 2017 11:36:22 AM
Kelly. I respect your opinion. I am sincere in my apology for misinterpreting your invitation as potentially violent. I care about you, and feel frustrated by your support of the Democratic Party against your personal interests.
I am also willing to pay for an analysis of the geographic origins of your DNA. Forward your real name and address, its cost, to Prof. Berman. He will get it to me, and I will send you a money order or bank check for it.
The success of several African people I know has resulted in their being targeted by less successful black native born citizens, targeted not for criticism, but for beatings.
Posted by: David Behar | Mar 7, 2017 3:33:27 PM