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March 28, 2017
"Statistical (and Racial) Discrimination, 'Banning the Box', and Crime Rates"
The title of this post is the title of this notable new paper authored by Murat Mungan now available via SSRN. Here is the abstract:
This article presents law enforcement models where employers engage in statistical discrimination, and the visibility of criminal records can be adjusted through policies (such as ban the box campaigns). I show that statistical discrimination leads to an increase in crime rates under plausible conditions. This suggests that societies in which membership to disadvantaged groups is salient (e.g. through greater racial or religious heterogeneity) are, ceteris paribus, likely to have higher crime rates. Attempting to fix the negative impacts of statistical discrimination through policies that reduce the visibility of criminal records increases crime rates further. Moreover, such policies cause a greater negative effect for law abiding members of the disadvantaged group than members of the statistically favored group.
March 28, 2017 at 09:12 PM | Permalink
Ceteris paribus, oscula asino.
This biased, pro-criminal lawyer went in the wrong direction. You commit 5 times as many crimes as others, then you become statistically discriminated. The lawyer profession has got to be the stupidest group of people in the entire country.
African immigrants, with pitch black skins, but with intact patriarchal families, with religiosity, with proper upbringings, did as well as whites in the 2010 Census. They have below average crime rates. Africans are now the new Koreans.
Gina Yashere talks about her Nigerian mother, same mentality as Korean, Italian, Jewish, and Chinese mothers. Discussion starts at minute 8. In another video, she talks about being stopped by a trooper after following her for miles. She asks him why. He hears the accent, and apologizes, saying, he thought she was black, illustrating the new stereotype.
If you are an employer, and you spot a real black person, you chase after them, waving wads of cash, to compete with the other employers, to get him to work for you. If racism were a real factor, their darker skins should be making their status worse than the pseudo black people and lawyer, race whores running down our country.
Posted by: David Behar | Mar 28, 2017 9:54:46 PM