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April 29, 2017

Illinois Law Review creates big online symposium to mark Prez Trump's first 100 Days

Via email I learned of an impressive and well-timed project completed by the Illinois Law Review: publication of this online symposium on President Trump's First 100 Days with 31(!) folks analyzing various aspects of the activities of the new Administration. Sadly, there is no commentary in the collection focused specifically on sentencing and punishment issues, but here is just a handful of the pieces that are connected in various ways to various issues covered on this blog:

April 29, 2017 at 01:42 PM | Permalink


I would have thought this a satire from The Onion but it appears all too real. Next up:

Academia and Michael Flynn's Itchy Palms

featuring such luminaries as:

"Which sticks better to silver: palm oil or hair spray?" by Jack Balkin
"Federal employees roasted on a stick. Tasty or no?" by Eugene Volokh
"Was Flynn dumb or Dorf-level dumb?" by Michael Dorf
"Flynn never expresses emotion. He's innocent by default." by Scott Greenfield.

and the keynote

"Paddling wayward traitors as an alternative to incarceration" by Doug "Dope Fiend" Berman

Posted by: Daniel | Apr 29, 2017 3:02:40 PM

No matter the elected figurehead, the government is still a wholly owned subsidiary of the criminal cult enterprise that is the lawyer profession. The lawyer still makes 99% of policy decisions, an indoctrinated criminal cult drone. Those who deviate from the rent seeking purpose will be destroyed.

We have to pass an Amendment excluding all those who have passed 1L from all benches, all legislative seats, and all responsible policy positions in the executive.

This profession is the biggest and most powerful criminal enterprise in the history of mankind. It has fully infiltrated and totally controls the three branches of our government.

Posted by: David Behar | Apr 29, 2017 3:25:34 PM

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