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November 2, 2017

Lots more impressive work in Teen Vogue's "Kids Incarcerated" series

In this post a few weeks ago I noted that Teen Vogue has been giving sustained attention to the issues of juvenile incarceration in this "Kids Incarcerated" series of articles.  This series now has dozens of articles that are work checking out, and these recent articles especially caught my attention and seemed worthy of additional promotion (though every article in the series looks great):

November 2, 2017 at 03:13 PM | Permalink


Umm, I would think it entirely reasonable for a probation officer to view those being monitored with suspicion. The probationer has already demonstrated that they are willing to flout the law in at least some manner. Disrespect/disdain is a different matter, however I could also well see the typical criminal (perhaps especially a juvenile offender) as having a poorly calibrated meter for that sort of thing.

Posted by: Soronel Haetir | Nov 2, 2017 4:02:28 PM

Teen Vogue was a sophisticated and great magazine to follow fashion and pop culture. It has become an unhinged, left wing extremist, propaganda rag since the naming of its new editor. This thing:


Posted by: David Behar | Nov 2, 2017 5:15:32 PM

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