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March 13, 2018
Another US Sentencing Commission public hearing on alternatives to incarceration and synthetic drugs
As noted in this prior post, last year the United States Sentencing Commission had a public hearing exploring alternatives to incarceration programs and synthetic drugs. This webpage with the USSC hearing agenda has links to written testimony from all the scheduled witnesses at that prior 2017 heading, and this testimony provide a wealth of information and research about alternatives to incarceration and synthetic drugs.
Tomorrow, as detailed on this USSC webpage, the United States Sentencing Commission in scheduled to conduct another public hearing on these topics (in part because the USSC never formally moved forward with any guidelines amendments on these topics because of an incomplete membership). As the new hearing page details, "the purpose of the public hearing is for the Commission to receive testimony on proposed amendments to the federal sentencing guidelines related to Synthetic Drugs and First Offenders/Alternatives to Incarceration."
March 13, 2018 at 09:34 AM | Permalink
So Prez Trump would like to guve the death penalty to high end drug dealers. I imagine the prings would be much like career offender and acca in respect to having open ended residual clauses, so the Ausa can hang just about anyone they please. Their chant would be this, we need the power to dismzntle cartels and national gang activities.
But they use iton a daily basis like they did for owis and other trivias to put defendants away for half an eternity.
Be interesting to see how well Bill Otis fairs on making it to to Ussc. Bill is smart, an excellent researcher, tough as nails on argueing and used to take on all comers on this web site. Shane come back, Shaaannee, come back. All kidding Bill is a great guy, about 20 times more articulate than me, but likes to hammer defendants to the cross.
Bill plus sessions and trumps han'em high wanna be agenda, would spell disaster for andyreform hope for decades. Bill if you could take a mental yoga class and gain a lot of flexibility, you would go much further, you posessed the skill set long ago. Two sides for every fence.
Posted by: MidWestGuy | Mar 14, 2018 1:30:15 PM
Midwest. Bill Otis cares about crime victims. The lawyers on this blog do not.
Posted by: David Behar | Mar 14, 2018 8:15:13 PM