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March 21, 2018
"Measuring Change: From Rates of Recidivism to Markers of Desistance"
The title of this post is the title of this notable new paper authored by Cecelia Klingele now available via SSRN. Here is the abstract:
Reducing the incidence of crime is a primary task of the criminal justice system, and one for which it rightly should be held accountable. The system’s success is frequently judged by the recidivism rates of those who are subject to various criminal justice interventions, from treatment programs to imprisonment. This Article suggests that, however popular, recidivism alone is a poor metric for gauging the success of the criminal justice interventions, or of those who participate in them. This is true primarily because recidivism is a binary measure, and behavioral change is a multi-faceted process. Accepting recidivism as a valid stand-alone metric imposes on the criminal justice system a responsibility outside its capacity, demanding that its success turn on transforming even the most serious and intractable of offenders into fully law-abiding citizens. Instead of measuring success by simple rates of recidivism, policymakers should seek more nuanced metrics.
One such alternative is readily-available: markers of desistance. Desistance, which in this context means the process by which individuals move from a life that is crime-involved to one that is not, is evidenced not just by whether a person re-offends at all, but also by increasing intervals between offenses and patterns of de-escalating behavior. These easily-obtainable metrics, which are already widely relied on by criminologists, can yield more nuanced information about the degree to which criminal justice interventions correlate to positive (or negative) life change. They also resemble more closely the ways in which other fields that address behavioral change, such as education, attempt to measure change over time.
Measuring the success of criminal justice interventions by reference to their effects on desistance would mean seeking evidence of progress, not perfection. Such an approach would allow criminal justice agencies to be held accountable for promoting positive change without asking them to do the impossible, thereby creating new pathways by which the criminal justice system could be recognized for achieving real and measurable progress in crime reduction.
March 21, 2018 at 07:34 PM | Permalink
For policy purposes, desistance should be measured by well designed interviews of properly stratified random samples of ex-felons. The interviewers should show the subject a certificate from the Department of Justice granting absolute legal immunity for any reported crime.
We each commit three crimes a day. So reports of no criminality the previous week should not be accepted.
Posted by: David Behar | Mar 22, 2018 11:09:14 AM