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April 25, 2018

After four high-profile clemencies, Prez Trump issues a bunch of denials

As reported in this USA Today piece, "President Trump has denied clemency for 180 people who had applied for pardons and commutations through formal Justice Department channels — even as he's short-circuited that process to pardon political allies."  Here is more (with one line emphasized):

The denials, decided last week, represent the first movements in the Justice Department's clemency caseload since Trump was inaugurated last year, according to the Office of the Pardon Attorney.  Among those denied clemency: Anthony Calabrese, a 57-year-old reputed mob hit man from Chicago convicted of three robberies and sentenced to 62 years in prison. He had requested compassionate release after being diagnosed with terminal cancer.

One White House official, speaking on condition of anonymity because officials were not authorized to comment publicly, said the denials were "routine" and that no accompanying clemency grants were expected in the near future.  The official said the cases did not meet the president's "high standards" for clemency.

That kind of clemency housekeeping is common.  The last three presidents — Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama — all denied hundreds of applications in their first two years before granting their very first pardons and commutations....

Last week's denials included 82 applications for pardons and 98 for commutations. Pardons represent a full legal forgiveness for a conviction, restoring civil rights taken away by a felony conviction.  Commutations shorten a prison sentence but leave the other consequences intact.

Based on Prez Trump's grants of clemency to date (all linked below), it seems that his "high standards" for clemency are closely linked to his political interests and affinities.  I suppose I should be pleased that Prez Trump and his team are finally starting to address the many thousands of pending clemency petitions, but I am troubled (though not surprised) to learn that no "regular" defendants have yet been thought worthy of the President's grace.

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April 25, 2018 at 09:39 AM | Permalink


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