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May 29, 2018

"In Justice Today" has now become "The Appeal"

In this post about one year ago I noted the creation of "In Justice Today" a new publication of the Fair Punishment Project at Harvard Law School. The publication had an introductory post that suggested that "the local elected prosecutor" was to be a particular focal point of the new publication's reporting.  Now, via email, I have been told of this (small?) transition:

Dear friends,

I am thrilled to be unveiling the Justice Collaborative’s newly renamed, revamped, and relaunched criminal justice publication: The Appeal. The Appeal, which steps in where In Justice Today leaves off, is a daily news source of original reporting focusing on local criminal justice systems — the most significant drivers of mass incarceration.

In creating The Appeal, we wanted something that was rigorous and hard-hitting, and engaging to the average reader.  We are putting a human face on the practices of local criminal justice systems.  Today, Professor Angela J. Davis outlines the importance of prosecutors, and Raven Rakia and Ashoka Jegroo explore the history of the push to close Rikers Island.  Please check them out and let us know what you think!

It’s my sincerest hope that you enjoy our brand new publication and find it useful in your own work. We will continue digging deep in counties across the U.S. to shed light on the most undercovered parts of the system. 

Too much criminal justice reporting relies on politicians, prosecutors, and law enforcement officials as the arbiters of the truth. We aim to be the journalistic watchdog that changes that.

If you have any feedback on our new look—or just want to draw our attention to something you’d like to see in The Appeal — please drop us a line!

Sarah Leonard, Executive Editor The Appeal

I sense that local criminal justice systems rather than just local elected prosecutors are now more clearly the focal point of this re-branded effort.  But it seems also that the Fair Punishment Project at Harvard Law School is no longer the main sponsor of this publication, though its new ABOUT page is somewhat opaque.

Whatever the backstory particulars, I always found a lot of interest and value at "In Justice Today" and I presume I will likewise find much of interest and value at "The Appeal."

May 29, 2018 at 02:22 PM | Permalink


None may criticize Harvard Law School without having their comment deleted.

Posted by: David Behar | May 30, 2018 10:12:32 AM

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