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December 30, 2018
A hasty review of the SL&P year that was 2018
Year in review stories are catnip to me, so I figured I might as well use an unexpected little pocket of free time to create my own listing of big events in 2018 based on a lightning quick review of blog posts from the past year. This listing is not representative or even all that reflective, and I welcome reader input on stories forgotten or unmentioned (or poorly ranked). So, for giggles and comment, here is a list of post titles and links providing an imperfect, too-quick review of some notable stories from the past year:
20. Judge Aaron Persky recalled by voters in response to lenient sentencing of Brock Turner
19. "Charlottesville Jury Recommends 419 Years Plus Life For Neo-Nazi Who Killed Protester"
18. Examining thoughtfully modern trend to prosecute overdose deaths as homicides
14. DOJ casting new marijuana enforcement memo in terms of "rule of law" and "local control"
13. Bill Cosby gets 3 to 10 years of state imprisonment with no bail pending appeal
11. Washington Supreme Court strikes down state's death penalty based on its arbitrary administration
8. Kimme’s accomplishment: Prez Trump commutes LWOP sentence of Alice Johnson!!
7. Prez Trump makes (tough) nominations to US Sentencing Commission (notably, these USSC nominees never got a Senate hearing or vote)
5. Criminal justice reform ballot measures passing in Florida and Louisiana, but losing badly in Ohio
4. Jeff Sessions is no longer Attorney General of the United States
2. DC Circuit Judge Brett Kavanaugh nominated by Prez Trump to replace Justice Kennedy
December 30, 2018 at 11:58 PM | Permalink