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January 16, 2019

Reviewing criminal justice highlights (or low-lights) from AG nominee Barr's confirmation hearing

Other commitments are keeping me from being able to keep a close watch on the Senate confirmation hearing for President Trump's nominee to lead the Department of Justice, William Barr.  Fortunately, lots of other folks are doing so, and here is a round-up of a few pieces I have seen highlighting some of the criminal justice issues that have been discussed:

As the title of this post suggests, I surmise from this coverage that criminal justice reformers are not likely to be especially excited about the prospects for Attorney General Barr being an advocate for reforming the status quo. But I remain hopeful he will not be quite as resistant to reforms as was former AG Sessions. But time (and the political winds) will tell.

Prior related posts:

January 16, 2019 at 11:34 AM | Permalink


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