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March 9, 2019

"Criminal-Justice Apps"

The title of this post is the title of this interesting essay authored by by Adam Gershowitz recently posted to SSRN.  Here is its abstract:

In recent years, lawyers, activists, and policymakers have introduced cell phone applications -- “criminal justice apps” -- that are very slowly beginning to democratize the criminal justice system.  Some of these apps -- such as DWI apps -- teach citizens about the law, while also connecting them with lawyers and bail bondsman.  Policymakers have created apps to help defendants navigate confusing court systems.  Still other apps are grander in purpose and seek to bring systemic changes to the criminal justice system.  For instance, the ACLU has designed an app to fight wrongful seizures and police brutality by recording police interactions. A non-profit has created an app to aggregate spare change and use it to post bail for the indigent.  This essay explores the universe of criminal justice apps and considers how they are likely to result in modest improvements to the criminal justice system.

March 9, 2019 at 10:17 AM | Permalink


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