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May 6, 2019

New Miss USA is a lawyer who blogs and seeks "reduced sentences for people who were sentenced unjustly"

17818960_1027573494011270_3870026070707142656_nI was intrigued to learned that I share some traits with the newly-crowed Miss USA, Cheslie Kryst. As detailed on this webpage, Kryst is a lawyer and a blogger and an advocate concerned with excessive sentences:

Cheslie graduated with a Juris Doctor degree (JD) and Master of Business Administration degree (MBA) from Wake Forest University. And also earned her Bachelor of Science degree (BS) in Business Administration from the Honors College at the University of South Carolina.

Cheslie is practicing complex civil litigation for a private law firm and is licensed to practice law in two states.  She also does pro bono (free legal) work to get reduced sentences for people who were sentenced unjustly.

Cheslie currently runs her own fashion blog, White Collar Glam, that focuses on workwear fashion for women. She was inspired to begin ‘White Collar Glam’ after struggling to find appropriate, affordable, and professional clothing.

And this new TMZ piece reports that Miss USA is already joining forces with high-profile folks with a track record of getting excessive sentences reduced:

Miss USA Cheslie Kryst is hard at work on a project that goes well beyond your typical beauty pageant agenda -- and it has her crossing paths with Kim Kardashian.

The new Miss USA was on "TMZ Live" Monday and told us she's working to free an inmate who's serving a life sentence for a low-level drug charge. She's working closely with Brittany K. Barnett -- the lawyer who just secured another prisoner's release ... with Kim's funding.

Cheslie, an attorney herself, tells us she and Brittany hope to do the same for someone in her home state of North Carolina by the end of this month.

As we reported ... Kim and Brittany just helped free Jeffrey Stringer, who served 22 years of a life sentence in Florida. Kim posted a celebratory shot of his family ahead of Stringer's release.  Now, Cheslie's hoping she can accomplish a similar mission close to home.

Kim's got a pretty amazing track record when it comes to this sort of thing ... helping Tennessee inmate Cyntoia Brown secure clemency, playing a key role in freeing Matthew Charles and Alice Marie Johnson, and taking her cause to the White House for a meeting with President Trump ... accomplishments Cheslie says should be celebrated.

May 6, 2019 at 10:59 PM | Permalink


"reduced sentences for people who were sentenced unjustly", what about those that have been sentenced that are innocent and no evidence presented by a bias judicial system?

Posted by: LC in Texas | May 7, 2019 1:35:27 PM

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