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September 27, 2019

SCOTUSblog online symposium previews "Bridgegate" political corruption case

Though there are other cases to be argued earlier in the coming Supreme Court Term that are sure to be of interest to sentencing fans, I suspect more than a few folks in the white-collar bar are especially excited for Kelly v. United States, a high-profile political fraud case on the SCOTUS docket this Term.  I know the great folks at SCOTUSblog are focused on this case, as they put together an online symposium this week with a lot of leading white-collar crime voices.  Here are the links, with all recommended reading:

September 27, 2019 at 12:14 PM | Permalink


While Bridgegate is a nice high publicity case with lots of interesting allegations of public corruption, it is not likely to be that significant for most defendants. At the present time (even if no new criminal law cases are added to this term), there are already lot of very significant criminal law cases that will be argued this term. Compared to those cases, Kelly is no better than the eighth most important criminal law case that the Supreme Court has already agreed to hear this upcoming term and will probably not even be in the top ten by the time that the term is over.

Posted by: tmm | Sep 27, 2019 4:09:28 PM

I largely concur, tmm, and I think it somewhat telling that SCOTUSblog decided to do a symposium on this case rather than some of the others.

Posted by: Doug B | Sep 28, 2019 6:29:01 AM

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