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October 23, 2019
Some recent fall classics from Marijuana Law, Policy & Reform
Perhaps because I have been watching a whole lot of baseball this fall, I have not really done a whole lot of blogging over at Marijuana Law, Policy & Reform. Perhaps unsurprisingly, though, I have often found time to blog particularly on matters at the intersection of marijuana policy and criminal justice policy and so I figured a short round-up of recent posts of note might still be worthwhile:
"The Cannabis Effect on Crime: Time-Series Analysis of Crime in Colorado and Washington State"
Exploring the intersection of police work and marijuana (and marijuana reform)
More notable coverage of marijuana enforcement challenges thanks to hemp legalization
Rocky Mountain HIDTA releases sixth annual report on "impact" of marijuana legalization in Colorado
Effective review of latest marijuana offense expungement efforts
"Cannabis Legalization in State Legislatures: Public Health Opportunity and Risk"
Tobacco historian makes case for why and how "Marijuana Reform Should Focus On Inequality"
Noticing how some major cannabis players are responding to vaping crisis
"Pop Culture's Influence on Recreational Marijuana Use & Legislation: A Case Study on Snoop Dogg"
October 23, 2019 at 10:37 AM | Permalink