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January 9, 2020

Lots of items of capital interest at Death Penalty Information Center

I frequent the Death Penalty Information Center website on a regular basis for all sorts of data and other detailed information about the administration of the death penalty in the modern era. But the site also keeps up with some capital punishment news and research (with DPIC's abolitionist bent), and the last few weeks have had a number of notable new postings. Here is a sampling that seemed worth flagging here:

"Louisiana Reaches Ten Years Without an Execution"

"Criticism by Government Leaders, Victim’s Son Fuel Growing Doubts About Viability of Ohio’s Death Penalty"

"Death Sentences Decline by More than Half in Decade of the 2010s"

"Report Addresses Death-Row Family Members’ Barriers to Mental Health Care"

"Law Review: New Article Highlights Decline of Judicial Death Sentences"

"Controversial Mississippi Prosecutor Recuses Himself from Further Involvement in Curtis Flowers’ Case"

January 9, 2020 at 10:13 AM | Permalink


You should give more attention to Tennessee that wants to become another Texas when it comes to administering death penalties. We should investigate that state's Attorney General Herbert Slatery for right-wing violence and extremism. He pretends to be a victims' rights advocate whenever he signs death warrants when his real motive is to destroy civil liberties and the bill of rights. He will only represent those victims with "clean" records and, above all, who want VENGEANCE instead of COMPASSION when it comes to recommending punishment for the perpetrator. Slatery is one bad dude!

Posted by: Bill Delzell | Jan 10, 2020 11:05:48 AM

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