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January 1, 2020

Welcoming the a new year with a new guest blogger, Professor Joshua Kleinfeld

One reason my 2019 went out on a high note is because I received a note earlier this week from Professor Joshua Kleinfeld who reported that he had been "working on a set of ideas and jottings about criminal punishment that are ... essentially blog posts looking for a blog."  I was pleased that he thought of this blog as a potential locus for his "ideas and jottings," and regular readers know that I am always eager to utilize this digital soap-box in all sorts of ways to provide a platform for all sorts of voices.

So, I am excited to welcome in 2020 by welcoming Prof Kleinfeld as a guest blogger here.  Prof Kleinfeld has already indicated to me that he has some evocative thoughts on the Supreme Court's work on mens rea issues, as well as "more philosophical musings ... about 'intelligibility' as a principle of punishment."  Needless to say, I am eager to read what he has to say on these topics and perhaps others, and I am pleased to be able to share his writing here.  Prof Kleinfeld noted to me that he looking to initiate conversation around his ideas and jottings, so I hope readers will share my eagerness to interact with him in via this forum.

January 1, 2020 at 12:59 PM | Permalink


Excellent news! His piece, Two Cultures of Punishment, had a tremendous impact on me when I first encountered it recently. Very much looking forward to reading more of his thoughts.

Posted by: Guy Hamilton-Smith | Jan 1, 2020 2:53:14 PM

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