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February 7, 2020

Great coverage of new and notable 2019 laws at Collateral Consequences Resource Center

Regular readers are used to my regularly reminder to regularly check out work over at the Collateral Consequences Resource Center.  Doing so recently brings up a terrific on-going series of reviews of new laws in place in 2019 on a range of collateral-consequences-related concerns.  Here are the first four post in the series now available:

New 2019 laws restore voting rights in 11 states

New 2019 laws reduce workplace barriers for people with a criminal record

Record-breaking number of new expungement laws enacted in 2019

New 2019 laws on diversion and other non-conviction dispositions

UPDATE: The fine CCRC folks have now posted "the fifth and final comment on new 2019 laws restoring rights or delivering record relief":

New 2019 laws on immigration consequences and driver’s license suspension

February 7, 2020 at 05:52 PM | Permalink


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