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March 19, 2020

Growing reports of growing numbers of prisoners and staffers testing positive for COVID-19

Criminal justice and public health experts have known for some time now that it was only a matter of time before the coronavirus epidemic made its way to prisons and jails.  Here are just some headlines I have seen showing surely just some of the locations where these issues are very real right now:

In the United States


March 19, 2020 at 10:56 AM | Permalink


The better, reusable masks should have been distributed to prison personnel and all medical personnel, immediately, and then outside safety personnel.

One wonders what happened to the "control & prevention" part of CDC. They have been a disaster. Their testing snafu caused an unnecessary and horrendous delay, just as China did with their deceptions.

It's just astounding how often leadership let's us down, with both democracies and dictatorships.

Let's hope the malaria pills are as helpful as some have stated and that the FDA get's out of the way and allows their use, now.

Posted by: Dudley Sharp | Mar 20, 2020 8:54:15 AM

As always, thank you, Doug.

Posted by: Dudley Sharp | Mar 20, 2020 8:55:03 AM

Criminal Defense Lawyer:
In a federal criminal restitution order, client is due to receive a purely compensatory settlement. Isn’t that money judgment/settlement incapable of being forfeited?

Posted by: Bill Summers | Mar 22, 2020 12:46:25 PM

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