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March 17, 2020
New letter from Prez Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, seeking sentence modification citing this blog's coronavirus coverage
Via my pals on Twitter, I just learned that Michael Cohen's lawyer, Roger Bennet Adler, has today filed this letter to support his pending application for sentence modification so that Cohen can finish serving his remaining time (about 20 months) on home confinement rather than in a federal prison. This letter is itself only a page long, but it also includes a reference to, and an attachment of, this blog post I wrote yesterday about the need and importance of all federal officials taking swift measures to try to limit the spread and harm of the coronavirus among the federal prison population.
Kudos to Mr. Adler, and I hope all defense lawyers (and prosecutors and judges and everyone else) will feel free to use any and all resources and materials I am assembling here. No need to ask, no need to wait, take whatever you need and make good (responsible) use of it!
Prior coronavirus posts:
- Connecting realities of incarceration to the outbreak of coronavirus
- Rounding up more coverage of the frightening intersection of incarceration and the coronavirus
- Eager for stories and thoughts on the impact of the coronavirus on criminal justice, crime and punishment
- When and how will federal authorities start systematically modifying federal sentencing and prison realities in response to COVID-19 outbreak?
- NYC Board of Correction calls on city to begin the process of releasing certain prisoners ASAP in response to COVID-19
Prior Michael Cohen sentencing posts:
- Michael Cohen, Prez Trump's fixer, cuts a plea deal to fix his federal sentence between 46 to 63 months in federal prison
- Prez Trump advocating for a whole new kind of sentencing reform: he says cooperation deals "almost ought to be outlawed. It’s not fair."
- Michael Cohen, former lawyer to Prez trump, pleads guilty to lying to Congress
- Michael Cohen makes pitch for "time-served and restitution to the IRS" based largely on his continuing cooperation
- Feds request for Michael Cohen a "substantial term of imprisonment" though with a "modest downward variance" from Guideline range of 51-63 months in prison
March 17, 2020 at 03:15 PM | Permalink