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March 6, 2020

The new SSRN adventures of some older writings

Some recent posts on topic ranging from second-look sentencing mechanisms to drug policy in part led me to make sure some older writings of mine were posted to SSRN for accessibility in that forum.  Specifically, I have recently had posted the following "old" papers in this "new" setting:

Encouraging (and Even Requiring) Prosecutors to Be Second-Look Sentencers

Sentencing is Dang Hard... And So...

Reflecting on Parole's Abolition in the Federal Sentencing System

Teaching Drugs: Incorporating Drug Policy into Law School Curriculum

In addition to welcoming feedback on these works, I would also welcome thoughts on whether folks find SSRN a particularly useful (or not-so-great) online repository.  I have many (though not all) of my longer scholarly writings available via SSRN, but I have not made a sustained effort to upload a lot of amicus briefs and shorter pieces to the site.  I sense not a lot of practicing lawyers and other non-academics use SSRN regularly, but perhaps I am not quite right on that assessment.

March 6, 2020 at 06:40 AM | Permalink


I run a website Race, Racism and the law; design to make legal scholarship accessible to community activists, students, and non-lawyers. I like to link to a "free" copy of the full document. I am concern because so much of legal scholarship is being put behind for-pay sites. SSRN has been a consistent source of free access.

On another note: I find your blog very useful. But the lack of the ability to share on Facebook makes the use cumbersome.

Professor Vernellia Randall

Posted by: Vernellia Randall | Mar 8, 2020 6:55:02 AM

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