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June 8, 2020
US Sentencing Commission releases awesome new data tool, "Interactive Data Analyzer"
I was pleased to receive today from the US Sentencing Commission an email blaring "JUST LAUNCHED: Interactive Data Analyzer." Here is part of the text of the email:
You've got questions, IDA has data! The U.S. Sentencing Commission's Interactive Data Analyzer (IDA) is an online tool that can be used to explore, filter, customize, and visualize annual federal sentencing data.
Some of IDA's features include:
Simple visualization and navigation of complex datasets (tutorial video);
Readymade dashboards for the most common federal crime types;
Combined annual data and trend analyses spanning five years;
Data filters by geography, demographics, crime and drug types;
Cross-sectional variable analysis; and
Export options that include formatted tables and raw data (tutorial video);
This great new tool is also explained at this USSC webpage, which includes this text:
The Interactive Data Analyzer (IDA) is an online tool that can be used to explore, filter, customize, and visualize federal sentencing data. IDA presents annual data that is stored in a secure data warehouse and refreshed periodically with the latest information collected, received, and edited by the Commission.
IDA offers prebuilt data dashboards for the four most common crime types in the federal caseload and for other common areas of interest. You can navigate to these sections using the main menu.
If you're looking for more granular data, use the filtering menu along the left side of any page. You can select data by fiscal years, jurisdictions, offender characteristics, or other variables. Filtering options will vary based on the topics you choose.
Kudos to the USSC for creating this now and helpful way to access its data. I am already having fund with IDA, and I am certain it will prove to be a useful resource for academics, policy-makers and practitioners.
June 8, 2020 at 06:39 PM | Permalink