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July 15, 2020

An ever-timely offer for compassionate release help from one who was recently released

I suspect a number of readers know the name Chad Marks, perhaps from these prior recent posts about his case:

As the second of this posts details, Chad secured a significant sentence reduction this year, allowing him to leave prison last month.  My understanding that Chad quite selflessly helped a number of his fellow prisoners with legal claims and filings while he was incarcerated, and I saw from this new Facebook posting that he is eager to continue to do so:

With COVID-19 ramping back up in our prison system if you and your loved ones need help with preparing a 3582 motion, or if you need help with a 2255 contact me at www.myfreedomfighters.com

Posted by Chad Marks on Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Because I get a lot of inquiries about getting help with compassionate release motions, I wanted to here be able to share this important and insightful human resource.  Chad welcomed my suggestion of posting his Facebook offer, and I am grateful he has.

July 15, 2020 at 12:06 PM | Permalink


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