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August 6, 2020
"Labeling Violence"
The title of this post is the title of this notable new paper authored by Cecelia Klingele now available via SSRN. Here is its abstract:
In recent years, federal and state-level criminal justice reforms have softened the punitive responses to crime that defined the quarter-century from 1980–2005. The main beneficiaries of these reforms have been non-violent criminals, who are increasingly eligible for pre- and post-charge diversion, expungement, early release from custody and early discharge from community supervision. For those convicted of violent offenses, not much has changed: sentences remain long; opportunities for release remain few; and conditions of post-release supervision are tightly enforced, leading to high rates of return to prison.
The justification for a harsh response to violent crime is that such crime inflicts significant harm and represents a dramatic deviation from standards of acceptable behavior. In fact, “violent” behavior — that is, behavior that is intended to cause, or does in fact cause, physical injury to another person — is hardly anomalous. Across the life-course, and particularly in youth and young adulthood, such behaviors frequently occur among a broad spectrum of the population and rarely lead to criminal conviction. This Article explores why only some behavior is labeled violent, and what implications this fact has for sentencing and correctional management of people convicted of violent crimes, and for the broader management of the criminal justice system.
August 6, 2020 at 05:44 PM | Permalink
Windstream Router Login is necessary and required process the router users must complete which allows users to get access to the router network and use the internet. Now, if you wished to log into Windstream Router Page or set up Windstream Router to use the internet then refer the post available right below.
Windstream Router Login
The router users must complete the Windstream router login and Windstream router setup steps first in order to who set up the router for the usage of the internet. This is Windstream Router Login informative post which will help you log in, set up, configure and reset your router to use faster internet.
Windstream Router Login IP Address– is Windstream router default IP which allows the router uses to log into the router, use router internet and update the settings.
See here:Windstream Router Login-
Posted by: bloutenj | Sep 7, 2020 8:40:09 PM