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August 25, 2020

Prez Trump grants pardon to Jon Ponder just before his RNC convention speech

As reported in this Fox News piece, "President Trump on Tuesday announced a pardon of Jon Ponder ahead of the convicted bank robber's appearance at the Republican National Convention on Tuesday night."  Here is more:

Ponder, who founded the nonprofit Hope For Prisoners, will be speaking at the convention, along with Richard Beasley, the FBI agent who arrested him, Fox News is told.

Ahead of the appearance, the president announced the pardon in a video.

Here is a link to the video announcing the pardon and providing more background on Jon Ponder, and this JustLeadershipUSA biography details some of what Ponder has been doing in service to criminal justice reform:

Jon D. Ponder is the founder and CEO of HOPE for Prisoners, Inc. In 2017, Jon was appointed by Governor Brian Sandoval to the Nevada Sentencing Commission and to the Nevada Commission on Postsecondary Education. He was appointed to the Governor’s Reentry Taskforce and the US Commission on Civil Rights Nevada State Advisory Committee in 2016. Jon holds a seat on the Executive Committee of RECAP (Rebuilding Every Community Around Peace) with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.  His responsibilities include oversight of all aspects of the programs and services provided by HOPE for Prisoners, including a comprehensive array of program components designed to assist individuals to successfully reintegrate into society.  He develops and implements strategic planning for the organization and is extremely passionate about the value of mentoring for persons coming out of correctional settings.

Jon was himself formerly incarcerated and has more than twelve years’ experience in providing training for offender populations in correctional settings.  His personal life experiences equip him to provide the guidance, direction and motivation for individuals attempting to navigate the challenges they face during the reintegration process.

August 25, 2020 at 07:14 PM | Permalink


Wow, this is a beautifully balanced example by President Trump of his fulfilling the God-given responsibility of government to maintain law and order (including giving appropriate love and support for law enforcement and the victims of crime including American taxpayers who personally pay the high price of crime in America), and at the same time, Biblically loving American prisoners and ex-convicts by keeping the door wide open for what God desires not only from them, but also from all people everywhere (who because of sin all people everywhere begin human life on earth as spiritually dead people walking, e.g., Romans 3:23; 8:20; etc., and who even after individual spiritual redemption all continue to face on earth a constant battle between good versus evil, e.g., Romans 7:18-25; Ephesians 6:10-18; etc.), which is (by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ God Almighty alone per the Holy Bible alone) walking with Jesus in love and peace in loving God and neighbor including first doing no harm as Jesus commands (e.g. Matthew 6:33a; 22:37-40; Romans 13:10, etc.).

Accordingly, President Trump, thank you for this wonderfully uplifting example of you once again loving all Americans everywhere in such important and societally far-reaching ways for making America a more peaceful and loving country with equal opportunity for all Americans to be successful in their God-given universal human rights and responsibilities. Amen, Mr. President, amen, amen!!!

In Biblical Love for President Trump and All American Prisoners and Ex-Convicts and All Americans Everywhere and Our Entire Great Country,

Thomas Steven Roth, MBA, MD
Christian Minister for Biblical Medical Ethics
P.O. Box 24211
Louisville, KY 40224
August 27, 2020

Posted by: Thomas Steven Roth, MBA, MD | Aug 27, 2020 11:38:42 PM

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