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September 1, 2020

"Fighting for a Second Look: Efforts in Ohio and Across the Nation"

6a00d8341c8ccf53ef026bde8d638d200c-320wiThe title of this post is the title of this webinar that I am honored to be a part of tomorrow, Wednesday, September 2, 2020, from 2-3pm ET.  You can register here, where you will see this description:

Draconian sentencing laws and practices stretch back decades and have yielded countless excessive prison terms nationwide.  As public awareness of this problem mounts, legal advocates and scholars have urged new legal mechanisms to allow courts to revisit unnecessarily long sentences.  In that spirit, the Ohio Justice & Policy Center and DEPC teamed up to create a writing competition for law students and recent graduates to propose such a "second-look statute" for Ohio.

Join us for a webinar that brings together leading advocates to discuss efforts across the country to create second-look provisions.  We will also announce the winner of our recent writing competition.


  • Shakyra Diaz, managing director of partnerships/Ohio state director, Alliance for Safety and Justice
  • William Johnston, senior program officer, Open Society Foundations
  • Michael Serota, associate deputy director, Academy for Justice, Arizona State University Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law
  • David Singleton, executive director, Ohio Justice & Policy Center


  • Douglas A. Berman, executive director, Drug Enforcement and Policy Center

Regular readers may recall my repeated effort on this blog all summer long to flag this initial posting about the exciting new drafting contest emerging from a partnership of the Drug Enforcement and Policy Center at The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law and the Ohio Justice & Policy Center.  This webinar serves to cap off this exciting contest, which is discussed more fully on this DEPC webpage.

September 1, 2020 at 01:41 PM | Permalink


My brother went to a hearing he has served double his original because he lost tría. Yesterday he had a court date and they gave him an additional 5 years??? He has no bad behavior reporta and has gave many good reporta with family recommendations for release please help me His Numbers and ñame is Ediberto Huertas 195-659.
My email is [email protected] please let me know what to do, His heart is not good and I need my brother with me for so many reasons also

Posted by: Luz Jaime | Dec 14, 2022 1:36:32 PM

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