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November 2, 2020
Reviewing just some of many Campaign 2020 posts
My very first post this election cycle, which for which I created the category archive Campaign 2020 and sentencing issues, was way back in February 2019. Over 20 months and nearly 100 posts later, I am so very glad that Campaign 2020 is now so very close to being over. And I am also glad that Election Night eve gives me an excuse to review posts from this election cycle and flag 10 posts now worth highlighting again:
From February 2019, Brennan Center produces policy brief on "Ending Mass Incarceration: A Presidential Agenda"
From April 2019, Spotlighting how "politicians are catching up with American voters" on criminal justice reforms
From July 2019, Former Veep Joe Biden releases extended "Plan for Strengthening America’s Commitment to Justice"
From September 2019, Prez Trump has reportedly soured on politics of criminal justice reform after FIRST STEP Act achievement
From January 2020, Might the 2020 campaign bring back "law and order" as a political wedge issue?
From February 2020, Noting political import and impact of Prez Trump's Super Bowl ad touting criminal justice reform
From July 2020, Notable criminal justice reform recommendations from Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force
From August 2020, "The RNC Can't Figure Out Where It Stands on Criminal Justice Reform"
From October 2020, Some notable (and mostly heartening) criminal justice discussion in final Prez debate of 2020
From October 2020, Covering just some of many criminal justice reforms stories percolating in 2020 election
November 2, 2020 at 10:08 PM | Permalink