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November 18, 2020
UC Law Review Online publishes symposium on "COVID-19 and Criminal Justice"
I was intribued to see this new University of Chicago Law Review Online symposium exploring the COVID pandemic's impact criminal justice. Here are all the great-looking pieces:
Valena E. Beety & Brandon L. Garrett, COVID-19 and Criminal Justice (series introduction)
Sharon Dolovich, Mass Incarceration, Meet COVID-19
Maybell Romero, Law Enforcement as Disease Vector
Valena E. Beety, Pre-Trial Dismissal in the Interest of Justice: A Response to COVID-19 and Protest Arrests
Deniz Ariturk, William E. Crozier & Brandon L. Garrett, Virtual Criminal Courts
Pamela R. Metzger & Gregory J. Guggenmos, COVID-19 and the Ruralization of U.S. Criminal Court Systems
Barry Friedman & Robin Tholin, Policing the Pandemic
Jennifer D. Oliva, Policing Opioid Use Disorder in a Pandemic
November 18, 2020 at 09:28 PM | Permalink