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January 2, 2021

REMINDER of DEPC and OJPC and CCRC drafting contest: "Re-Imagining 'Second Chances': Improving Ohio’s Re-Entry Provisions"

Download (8)A few weeks ago in this post I noted the on-going drafting contest sponsored by a partnership of the Drug Enforcement and Policy Center (DEPC) at The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, the Ohio Justice & Policy Center (OJPC), and the Collateral Consequences Resource Center (CCRC).  Here are the basic details draft from this web page (where you can find this longer official announcement):

About the Contest

With the goal of furthering the ongoing debate of how “second chance” mechanisms can be improved in Ohio, the Drug Enforcement and Policy Center (DEPC) at The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, the Ohio Justice & Policy Center (OJPC), and the Collateral Consequences Resource Center are sponsoring a contest for law students and recent law-school graduates.  Specifically, entrants are encouraged to submit a proposal and accompanying commentary suggesting changes to Ohio’s existing statutory provisions that would help people obtain relief from collateral consequences.

Proposals should address both substance (e.g., when and to whom would it apply) and procedure (e.g., how would it function).  Additionally, proposals can, but need not be, drafted as proposed legislative text; a “policy paper” or other like submission is acceptable, though any submission must include an actionable proposal for reform of Ohio laws. The proposal might include concrete suggestions for making existing tools more broadly and easily accessible, but it could also advocate for wholesale changes to the mechanism and means for relief in Ohio.

Contest Timeline and Awards

Submissions are due January 11, 2021.  The winning submission will receive a prize of $1,500, and one runner-up prize of $500 will also be awarded.  If a group submission is awarded prize money, it will be divided equally among the group’s members.  All winning submissions will be published via DEPC and OJPC’s websites.  The full winning proposals may be used in DEPC and OJPC’s ongoing efforts to advocate for improvements in Ohio law.

January 2, 2021 at 06:50 PM | Permalink


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