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March 22, 2021
A request for lawprof input and other posts of note from Marijuana Law, Policy & Reform
I have not done a round-up of posts from my blogging over at Marijuana Law, Policy & Reform since mid January, and I am especially eager to flag this new post requesting information from folks teaching (or interested in teaching) a law course touching on drugs or the legal structures around cannabis (sought via a short survey at go.osu.edu/teaching-drugs-survey). The first link below provides more context for this request, and thereafter you will find links to other recent posts at the intersection of criminal justice reform and marijuana reform from MLP&R:
Seeking more information and input on teaching about marijuana reform and drug issues in law school
Effective accounting (with great visuals) of marijuana "legalization in three degrees"
"The Problem of Driving Under the Influence of Drugs: The Views of Four Former 'Drug Czars'"
"Legal Strategy During Legal Uncertainty: The Case of Cannabis Regulation"
Mexico now well on the path to becoming the world's largest legal marijuana market
AG-nominee Merrick Garland elaborates his views on marijuana prohibition enforcement
New Jersey becomes officially the (lucky?) 13th state to fully legalize marijuana for adult use
March 22, 2021 at 12:38 PM | Permalink