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March 15, 2021
"Prioritizing Science Over Fear: An Interdisciplinary Response to Fentanyl Analogues Confirmation"
The title of this post is the title of this exciting multi-panel event taking place tomorrow that is being hosted by Ohio State's Drug Enforcement and Policy Center. The full agenda for the event is avalable at this link, and the speakers are profiled at this link, and background materials are assembled here.
Here is a description of the event from the DEPC main event page:
In recent years, the illicit drug market around the world has seen a major rise in the production and use of synthetic drugs, including the rapid development of analogues of conventional drugs such as marijuana, amphetamine, and opiates. Since 2015, fentanyl, a synthetic opioid, and its analogues have increasingly emerged in the illegal drug market in the U.S., most often added to heroin or sold in counterfeit opioid prescription pills. In 2018, 30,000 overdose deaths in the U.S. involved synthetic opioids.
The purpose of this invitation-only symposium is to educate advocates, congressional staff, administration officials, and scholars about the possibility that classwide scheduling of fentanyl analogues will yield unintended consequences, and to highlight evidence-based alternatives that can help reduce overdose deaths. Participants will learn about the relationship between classwide scheduling and public health policy approaches to dealing with fentanyl analogues and overdose. P articipants will be presented with an intersectional discussion of the issue that examines classwide scheduling and its impact on the criminal legal system, racial inequities, scientific research, medicine, and evidence-based drug policy.
As this description reveals, this event started as an "invitation-only symposium," but ir is now possible for folks to register for the event at the DEPC main event page.
March 15, 2021 at 12:18 PM | Permalink