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March 7, 2021
Rounding up lots of good recent criminal justice reads
Another full work week with lots of activity has meant needing the weekend to catch up on interesting reading (and blogging) on a variety of criminal justice fronts. So, here is a quick round up of some recent pieces catching my eye:
From The Crime Report, "Why It’s Time to Abandon Drug Courts" b
From The Hill, "Politics in the Department of Justice can be a good thing" by Shon Hopwood
From The Hill, "Biden's justice reform should influence prosecutor appointments" by Russ Feingold and Amy Fettig
From The Hill, "Why do we still punish crack and powder cocaine offenses differently?" by Kevin Ring and Heather Rice-Minus
From My Northwest.com, "‘Worst of both worlds’: No easy fix for WA Supreme Court decision legalizing drug possession" by Hanna Scott
From the New York Times, "The ‘Hidden Punishment’ of Prison Food" by Patricia Leigh Brown
March 7, 2021 at 02:17 PM | Permalink