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July 5, 2021
Let freedom ring via recent postings at Marijuana Law, Policy & Reform
I have not done a round-up of posts from my blogging over at Marijuana Law, Policy & Reform in a little while, and doing so today seems especially appropriate as we enjoy a last day for officially celebrating our nation's founding in a commitment to "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." So, here are some freedom ringing highlights (often at the intersection of criminal justice reform and marijuana reform) from MLP&R:
Cannabis Freedom Alliance releases "Recommendations for Federal Regulation of Legal Cannabis"
Marijuana liberty in America showing rapid growth as we mark Independence Day 2021
What do Connecticut, South Dakota and Virginia all have in common today?
Justice Thomas talks up reconsidering Raich, but has no compatriots (yet)
"Seeds of Change: Strategies to create an equitable cannabis industry"
Red state marijuana reforms not yet leading to GOP Senator support for federal reform
"Changes in traffic crash rates after legalization of marijuana: results by crash severity"
Connecticut on verge of becoming 18th state to fully legalize marijuana (and fifth state in 2021)
"Marijuana Tax Revenue in States that Regulate Marijuana for Adult Use"
"Illegal drug market responses to state recreational cannabis laws"
July 5, 2021 at 01:19 PM | Permalink