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August 6, 2021

Rounding up some recent reads as another summer week winds down

I am already getting that summer-winding-down feeling, and so I am trying to savor every week of my favorite season.  Part of summer savoring means not always finding time to blog about every notable story and commentary I see, and here are just a few from this week that seemed worth flagging:

From BuzzFeed News, "The Biden Administration Is Rejecting 'The War On Drugs' And Turning To 'Harm Reduction'"

From The Conversation, "Pandemic pushed defendants to plead guilty more often, including innocent people pleading to crimes they didn’t commit"

From The Crime Report, "Cops on the Campaign Trail: A New Force in US Politics?"

From Reason, "The Government Says These Missouri Men Are Innocent. It Won't Release Them From Prison."

From the New York Times, "If You Paid Your Debt to Society, You Should Be Allowed to Work"

From the Washington Post, "If Biden abolishes the federal death penalty, he’ll have more support than you think"

August 6, 2021 at 10:05 AM | Permalink


Best season is of course autumn. Pumpkin spice season alone is good without all the rest.

Posted by: Joe | Aug 7, 2021 8:17:16 AM

Early autumn (late Sept/Oct) can be great IF and when warmer weather (aka summer-like weather) persists so we can still golf and eat outside. But even hottest week of July or Aug beats the heck out of most of Nov/Dec in my book. Just saying.

Posted by: Doug B. | Aug 7, 2021 9:46:10 PM

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