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September 5, 2021

A long weekend wrap up with a long reading list

A busy week before a busy long weekend has left me with a long reading list of press and commentary pieces on a variety of sentencing and other criminal justice issues. Here is just part of this list with links:

From CBS News, "Inmates on home confinement could be sent back to prison after the pandemic: "Why make us go back and do it again?""

From The Guardian, "What I learned visiting Alaska’s only maximum-security prison"

From Insider, "Arkansas jail inmates say they were unknowingly given unproven COVID-19 treatment ivermectin: 'They were running experiments on us'"

From Jacobin magazine, "More Criminalization Isn’t the Answer to Gun Violence"

From The Oregonian, "Multnomah County DA Mike Schmidt hires criminal defense lawyer to review past convictions, sentences"

From Politico, "How Progressives Are Knocking Out Local Judges Across the Country"

From NBC News, "Some prison labor programs lose money — even when prisoners work for pennies"

From the New York Times, "In the Eyes of God, Does a State Have the Right to Kill a Man?"

From NPR, "Crowded U.S. Jails Drove Millions Of COVID-19 Cases, A New Study Says"

From Slow Boring, "The rapidly shifting Hispanic experience of American criminal justice"

September 5, 2021 at 05:54 PM | Permalink


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