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February 23, 2022

Rounding up some rough headlines for the progressive prosecutor movement

I have blogged a fair bit about, and seen a lot of interesting academic and other writings about, the so-called progressive prosecutor movement.  It is certainly been a hot topic in the criminal justice reform space for the last five years or so.  But with the COVID-era rise in violent crimes, it now seems criticisms of so-called progressive prosecutors are the hot topics at the forefront of crime and punishment discourse.  Here is a round up of some headlines and stories from recent weeks capturing this reality:

From Politico, "Los Angeles prosecutors overwhelmingly want to oust their progressive boss"

From KOMO News, "'Soft' progressive policies on crime becoming a mainstream concern after nationwide surge"

From the New York Times, "They Wanted to Roll Back Tough-on-Crime Policies. Then Violent Crime Surged."

From The Economist, "Are progressive prosecutors to blame for an American homicide wave?"

From Rasmussen Reports, "Most Voters Support Removing Soft-on-Crime Prosecutors"

From The Marshall Project, "Prosecutors Who Want to Curb Mass Incarceration Hit a Roadblock: Tough-on-Crime Lawmakers"

From the Washington Times, "Progressive prosecutors under fire for crime surge in cities"

February 23, 2022 at 04:51 PM | Permalink


Gee,being nice to criminals results in a public safety debacle. Shocking

Posted by: Federalist | Feb 24, 2022 10:20:19 AM

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