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March 17, 2022
Contextualizing Judge Jackson's mainstream sentencing record in federal child porn cases
A tweet stream by Senator Josh Hawley about writings, comments and sentencings by SCOTUS nominee Judge Jackson has kicked off a robust discussion of her attitudes toward sex offenders and those who download child pornography (CP). Senator Hawley's tweets referenced Judge Jackson's law school Note in the Harvard Law Review and questions she asked while on the US Sentencing Commission. What the Senator references in these tweets struck me as not especially sensational nor ultimately a strong basis for questioning her judicial temperament or philosophy. But he thereafter discussed Judge Jackson's below-guideline sentencing decisions in CP cases when she served as a federal district judge, and I certainly consider reviews of sentencing decisions to be a fair and sound component of assessing Judge Jackson's record as a jurist.
But, to be truly fair and sound, any review of Judge Jackson's CP sentencings must include proper context regarding the federal sentencing guidelines for CP which are widely recognized as dysfunctional and unduly severe. As this recent US Sentencing Commission report explains, the CP guideline (2G2.2) "fails to distinguish adequately between more and less severe offenders" (p. 19), and "most courts believe §2G2.2 is generally too severe and does not appropriately measure offender culpability in the typical non-production child pornography case" (p. 22). With the CP guidelines "too severe" and poorly designed to "measure offender culpability" in the digital age, federal judges nationwide rarely follow them. Indeed, data in recent (and past) USSC reports document that Judge Jackson's record of imposing below-guideline CP sentences is quite mainstream because: (1) federal judges nationwide typically sentence below the CP guideline in roughly 2 out of 3 cases (p. 23), and (2) federal judges nationwide, when deciding to go below the CP guideline, typically impose sentences around 54 months below the calculated guideline minimum (p. 25).
Reviewing a brief accounting of nine CP cases sentenced by Judge Jackson (which I believe was produced by GOP Senators and/or staff and was forwarded to me), I was first struck by the fact that in a majority of these cases (5 of 9) the prosecution advocated for a below-guideline sentence and in three others the prosecution advocated for only the guideline minimum. In other words, Judge Jackson was generally sentencing CP defendants in cases in which even the prosecution concluded mitigating factors meant that the guidelines were not a proper benchmark range in light of congressional sentencing purposes. Notably, the recent USSC report indicates that the government formally moves for a below-range sentence in roughly 1 out of every 5 CP cases (p. 23); it is not clear if prosecutors made formal motions for departures or variances in Judge Jackson's CP cases, but it is clear that in the majority of these cases the prosecutors were the ones who requested a sentence below the CP guidelines.
In the nine cases, Judge Jackson followed the prosecutors' sentencing recommendations in two cases, and sentenced below the prison term suggested by the government in seven others. One case, US v. Hillie, distorts the average deviation from the prosecutors' recommendations, as the government there sought a sentence of 45 years and Judge Jackson imposed a sentence of "only" 29.5 years. Leaving that case out of the average, in the other eight cases, Judge Jackson's sentence was only about 1.8 years below the recommendation of prosecutors (and about .6 years above the defense recommendations). In those cases, Judge Jackson did sentence, on average, about 54 months below the calculated guideline minimum, but that degree of reduction from the guideline minimum is almost identical to the national average reduction according to the USSC report (p. 25).
In other words, Judge Jackson's record in these CP cases does show she is quite skeptical of the ranges set by the CP guidelines, but so too were prosecutors in the majority of her cases and so too are district judges nationwide (appointed by presidents of both parties). I use the word "mainstream" to describe Judge Jackson's sentencing patterns here because they strike me as not at all out of the ordinary; there are surely federal judges who have sentenced CP offenders more harshly, but there are also surely federal judges who have sentenced CP offenders more leniently. Judge Jackson's sentencing record in CP cases reflects the fundamental flaws of the CP guidelines (and perhaps a relatively mitigated group of offenders she was tasked with sentencing). As I see it, these cases do not really reveal any kind of unique or uniquely concerning sentencing jurisprudence.
There is more to say on this topic — e.g., I suspect that Judge Jackson's views in these cases were usefully informed by (1) the unanimous bipartisan USSC report authored in 2012 which stressed "the current sentencing scheme results in overly severe guideline ranges for some offenders based on outdated and disproportionate enhancements" and (2) the Justice Department's 2013 follow-up letter that "joined in the call for a critical review of the existing sentencing guidelines for non-production child pornography crimes" — and I suspect we will hear a lot more on this topic in the days ahead. For now, I will conclude where the title of this post starts: if and when we properly contextualize Judge Jackson's sentencing record in federal child porn cases, it looks pretty mainstream.
March 17, 2022 at 11:23 PM | Permalink
pure political theater. our country is doomed.
Posted by: whatever | Mar 18, 2022 10:25:09 AM
She is really remarkable
Posted by: Federalist | Mar 19, 2022 1:31:11 PM
ooo let's get her on the 1619 project. so dumb.
Posted by: whatever | Mar 21, 2022 10:05:34 AM
So now you are justifying the lenient sentencing of sex offenders and child pornography. Good for you, Mr. Berman. Not surprising since you work for OSU, an organization that has protected and covered up its own sexual abuse for decades (Dr. Strauss).
You are misguided by your own "mainstream" sentencing data. You view it as being acceptable since everybody is giving lenient sentences to sex offenders. But what the data actually shows is further evidence of the systematic protection of sexual predators in this country by judges and prosecutors. This is in addition to widespread protection given to sex predators in this country by the FBI and Justice Dept (they covered up the Olympic gymnast's complaints), and the numerous entities like OSU, Penn State, Mich, Mich State, USC, Boy Scouts, Hollywood, the list goes on.
Why don't you do some actual good and expose the system that protects sexual offenders starting with these judges. Even the laws protect sex offenders. Under Ohio Law, the definition of rape excludes rapists who have authority over the victim including doctors, teachers, coaches, and others from a university. Those sexual offenders fall under sexual battery, a lesser offense. Same crime, different person, protected.
Posted by: None | Mar 21, 2022 10:52:02 AM
I am a survivor of sexual abuse. This is disgusting to me .
Posted by: Ann Traganos | Mar 21, 2022 11:17:22 AM
This is a step forward in reducing the outrageous and lengthy sentences of CP cases. People should understand that someone who has a CP offense are not all the same. Sometimes people get it unintentionally, some people download but delete it, some people are collectors .. but whatever.. in the end, all of it is Non- Violent crimes. And not to be compared to actual hands on offenses which is a totally different ballpark.
Yes we should protect our kids, but it isnt the person who had CP on their computer who is a threat to your kids, it is the person who is closest to your kid like a family member, or a very close friend. Most cases the victim was close and knew their attacker.
I hope with her on the court, we can start seeing some cases being overturned for these harsh sentences.
Posted by: Daniel | Mar 21, 2022 8:14:05 PM
Expressing moral outrage through draconian sentencing policies does not equate to "justice". In the final analysis, it does result in flawed and failed public policy.
An increase in sentencing from 60 months to 120 months or more, for a first time CP offense is, in my opinion, out of proportion (i.e., for receipt of CP, non-contact offense).
While strong emotions and moral outrage is certainly expected and understandable, unbridled over-reactions to such offenses manifested in overly-severe punishments and sentencing schemes are not understandable and are desparetly in need of adjustment.
Overly-severe punishments (including lifetime supervised release, and lifetime listing on public registries) call into question the constitutionality of such schemes (8th A), and some courts recently have agreed.
The statistics in regards to these offenses have remained stable irrespective of punishments. In addition, the recidivism rate for first time CP offenders (non-contact offenders) is one of lowest (if not THE lowest) of all crimes, next to murder. The recidivism rate after 3 years is a mere 4.7% according to Bureau of Justice Statistics and the USSC. I would argue that this is in spite of the punishments, not as a result thereof.
The many stakeholders involved in the administration of justice need to re-visit these policies. The offenders are human beings, some very good human beings, some not, who acted inappropriately and deserve proportional punishment, but not un-ending punishment, nor capital punishment.
Posted by: Drug Cnslr | Mar 21, 2022 8:43:17 PM
WOW, Verdict: GUILTY..Negligence in failing to adequately research the psychological issues of any individual committing such crimes. To even suggest that there is degrees of pedophile obsession in any form is criminal, demented, deserves the full penalty of the law. Your mentality along with Jackson makes one think …
Posted by: URSick | Mar 21, 2022 10:27:14 PM
to URSick (oh jeez...gimme a break with that name...are you really Bill Otis?
Or perhaps "Federalist"?):
I can refer you to studies (one conducted by noted expert Prof. Dr. J. Endrass of the Zurich University Psychiatric Hospital), in which it was found that most (but not all) CP offenders psychologically differ from "contact offenders" and generally do not fit the criteria for pedophilia, absent prior contact offenses.
"To even suggest that there is degrees of pedophile obsession in any form is criminal, demented" etc.
Of course CP offenses are criminal and are deserving of punishment. You failed to address my point as to proportionality in sentencing schemes.
Perhaps you did not read it thoroughly, and just reacted without thinking. I understand strong emotional responses. My wife has them regularly.
Posted by: Drug Cnslr | Mar 22, 2022 2:27:32 AM
Drug Cnslr --
"to URSick (oh jeez...gimme a break with that name...are you really Bill Otis?
Or perhaps "Federalist"?)"
First, I sign my name to everything I write for public consumption and have done so for 50 years. What is your factual basis for the false and insulting suggestion that I'm now suddenly using a fake name?
Second, I hope you can appreciate the spectacular irony of an accusation like that coming from someone who NEVER gives his real name but uniformly elects to hide behind "Drug Cnslr."
Posted by: Bill Otis | Mar 22, 2022 8:20:21 AM
pure political theater. our country is doomed.
Posted by: whatever | Mar 18, 2022 10:25:09 AM
Agreed. First ACB and now this.
Posted by: Yeet | Mar 22, 2022 6:27:45 PM
As far as I'm concerned anybody who has porn that depicts pre pubescent human beings forced into engaging in any sexual activity let alone recording the abuse ie child rape... should be given life once proven beyond a reasonable doubt it was Thier own action downloading and was viewed at various dates and times showing it wasn't maliciously downloaded by a narcissistic partner or individual bc people with NPD arent beneath doing something that horrendous too achieve whatever minute benefit they are trying to attain even if it means destroying the life of Thier current target. My only reason to show restraint against execution by public firing squad is that federal/state government/courts are clearly not competent enough in any capacity to not inevitably end up killing innocent people due to incompetence, gross negligence (in 1990 CP was legal in 44/50 states) or worse malevolently targeted corruption bc any person with > a double digit IQ who is well read enough in political/judicial/government affairs past/present (if you believe Oswald was a lone wolf assassin acting alone on his own volition or cannot give an accurate general overview of the indisputable factual reality of MK Ultra among other intel agencies' unpunished crimes against humanity this doesn't include you) knows it is not outside of the realm of possibility that a corrupt govt actor with the right connections could easily remotely put endless amounts of CP via the NSA or other agency with unfettered access into anyone's computer or device considering the AP reports the justice dept is the owner and perveyor of the largest collected database of CP on the planet under the guise of "identifying locations and victims" which is suspicious considering the amount of Pentagon employees once found with CP on with computers. Also anyone who scoffs at the idea of politicians and other power brokers in Washington DC being involved in the dark world of child abuse or promoting it as "qanon conspiracy theories" needs to read up on Omaha's Franklin Scandal (no not the bank savings loan "scandal" the Boystown underage interstate prostitution operation), Larry king, Craig Spences DC blackmail operation catering to DC power players, Dennis hastert (former speaker of house and his subsequent charges), the Dutroix affair in Belgium, Michael Aquino or watch the documentary easily found on youtube "Conspiracy of silence" the bombshell doc pulled at the last min before airing on the Discovery Channel you'd be amazed at the household names all involved in some pretty disgusting stuff and these are also not even disputable facts just grossly unreported for the most part (probably bc media big whigs also usually implicated)... Research it for 10 mins even if it is to prove me wrong and be amazed at what goes unreported I'd highly recommend John Decamps book about theFranklin scandal and Dave Macgowans book programmed to kill or Douglas Valentine's book about the Phoenix Program for other intel agency war crimes against humanity later brought to America resulting in the serial killer phenomenon that came to a suspiciously abrupt end almost like it was an operation of some sort with a definite identifiable beginning and end...it's always healthy to Challenge your beliefs and when our children are the victims nothing is too outrageous to at least give a cursory glance to see if there is any fire when there is smoke. Lastly, show me the data that proves I'm wrong on anything I'll change my entire world perspective and publicly announce my apology for being wrong. Yes qanon is bullS*** but that doesn't mean every mention of powerful public figures involved in degeneracy with children is qanon conspiracy theory nonsense and should be ridiculed and never taken seriously that's exactly why qanon exists and that is by design it's called a psychological operation and it government orchestrates them see the TM still in use by the military authored by previously mentioned high priest of the temple of set Michael Aquino previously mentioned proud satanist who inspired by THE Heinrich Himmler uses Nazi daggers and NAZI black Sun occult symbolism (same symbol found on certain battalions insignia in Ukrainian military) to conduct satanic rituals in Germanys wewelsburg castle
Posted by: Frank franklin | Mar 25, 2022 3:05:45 PM
Nobody should be convicted for child porn for accidentally viewing someone under 18 that appeared to be 18 or was close to 18. What we're talking about is videos of sex and rape with children. They cannot consent. They don't understand what is going on. They have no idea what a video is, how it can be distributed, and how many people can see it. It's the most horrific form of invasion of privacy just to view it. Anyone found guilty of consuming and viewing explicit child porn should get a harsh sentence for the first offense. At least a five year mandatory minimum.
Posted by: OrcLivesMatter | Mar 26, 2022 10:53:56 AM