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March 30, 2022
New report claims many successes attributable to Proposition 47's sentencing reductions in California
The Center for Juvenile and Criminal Justice has this notable new report on developments in California titled "Proposition 47: A $600 Million Lifeline to California Communities." Here is the 10-page report's introduction (with cites preserved):
Proposition 47 (Prop 47), one of the most significant criminal justice reforms in California history, has now been in effect for more than seven years. The initiative, which passed with nearly 60 percent of the vote in 2014, sought to interrupt cycles of frequent incarceration and redress decades of overly punitive sentencing by reclassifying several low-level drug and property offenses from potential felonies to misdemeanors (SOS, 2014; 2014a). The result has been a marked decline in California’s incarcerated population (Bird et al., 2016; 2018; Graves, 2020).
A key provision of Prop 47 was the reinvestment of state dollars from prisons into community-based prevention programs. This year, as part of his Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-23 budget proposal, Governor Gavin Newsom announced an additional $150 million in prison savings attributed to Prop 47 (DOF, 2022). This latest investment would increase total funding to nearly $600 million.
Proposition 47 has been a lifeline to vulnerable Californians. This support has proved critical as California now faces an unprecedented set of challenges. These include significant disruption and loss of life due to COVID-19, a reckoning over police violence against people of color, sharp increases in the cost of living, and rising rates of homelessness and drug overdose. Most recently, there are changing public narratives around crime and the impacts of justice reform. To date, Prop 47 has:
1. Coincided with a period of record-low crime in California (CJCJ, 2020; 2020a; 2021; 2021a).
2. Reduced unconstitutional overcrowding in state prisons (Graves, 2020).
3. Offered resentencing, release, and/or record change opportunities to thousands of Californians.
4. Lessened racial disparities in California’s criminal justice system (Lofstrom et al., 2020).
5. Reinvested more than half a billion dollars into local programs that address the root causes of incarceration for as many as 40,000 people by reducing homelessness and boosting employment.
March 30, 2022 at 02:47 PM | Permalink