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March 31, 2022

New short FAMM memo makes the case for the EQUAL Act

The folks at FAMM today released this short memo titled "The EQUAL Act: Why Congress Must #EndTheDisparity Between Federal Crack & Powder Cocaine Sentences."   Though only two pages, the memo cover a lot of ground, and here are some of its concluding points (with cites removed):

The crack-powder disparity fosters and entrenches racial inequality

  • In 2019, 81% of people convicted of crack cocaine crimes were Black, even though white and Hispanic people have historically accounted for over 66% of crack users.
  • Before Congress established the crack-powder disparity in 1986, the average federal drug sentence for Black people was 11% higher than for whites. Just four years later, the average federal drug sentence for Black defendants was 49% higher.
  • The U.S. Sentencing Commission found that, in the case of crack cocaine penalties, “perceived improper racial disparity fosters disrespect for and lack of confidence in the criminal justice system.”

Passing the EQUAL Act would reunite families sooner and protect taxpayers

  • If enacted, the EQUAL Act would reduce sentences for people serving time for crack offenses by an average of just over six years. This change alone would cut a total of 46,500 years off sentences.
  • For those convicted after the EQUAL Act passes, their average sentence will be reduced by 2.5 years. This change will reduce total sentences over the next ten years by 21,300 years.
  • By reducing unnecessary prison time by an estimated 67,800 years for people, 91 percent of whom are Black, the EQUAL Act will reunite thousands of families sooner and save hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars in the first decade alone.

A few of many prior posts on the EQUAL Act:

March 31, 2022 at 12:19 PM | Permalink


I'm surprised this has not garnered more attention. It's a big deal!

Posted by: atomicfrog | Apr 1, 2022 3:05:17 PM

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