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May 10, 2022

Lots of notable parole stories from coast to coast

Parole is often a subject that generates headlines, and today I saw a notable number of notable stories from five states on the topic that seemed worth flagging.  In alphabetical order:

From California, "Medical Parole Got Them Out Of State Prison. Now They're In A Decertified Nursing Home"

From New Jersey, "In major reversal, N.J. Supreme Court orders parole of man convicted of murdering state trooper in 1973"

From New York, "New York’s longest serving inmate who murdered 14-year-old granted parole"

From Virginia, "Chances for Parole Go from Bad to Worse Under Virginia’s New GOP Leadership"

From Wisconsin, "Parole of killer in Wisconsin puts pressure on Evers"

May 10, 2022 at 10:00 PM | Permalink


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