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May 6, 2022

Register for "State Sentencing Commissions Work Towards Decarceration"

USSC panel with state folksIn this prior post, I noted the great weekly panel series for the month of May titled "The Role of the U.S. Sentencing Commission in Decarceration: First Step Act and Beyond."  This series has been put together by the Center for Justice and Human Dignity, a nonprofit organization whose mission is explained here in terms of seeking  "to reduce prison incarceration in the United States while improving conditions for those imprisoned and working inside."

This panel series is running now every Tuesdays at 12noon ET, which means the second panel is scheduled taking place this coming Tuesday, May 10th.  This panel is titled "State Sentencing Commissions Work Towards Decarceration," and the speakers are all the leaders of state sentencing commissions who will be discussing their work towards decarceration and lessons for the US Sentencing Commission.  Everyone can and should register to attend next week's session and the entire series here.  The speakers for all the panels are terrific, and here are the folks participating in this panel:

Kelly Mitchell, Chair of the MN Sentencing Guidelines Commission

Mark Bergstrom, Executive Director of the PA Commission on Sentencing

Sara Andrews, Executive Director of the OH Sentencing Commission


Here is a run-down of future panels:

Sentencing Review and Reduction: Open Questions and Next Steps for the Commission (Tuesday, May 17 12pm ET)

Looking Ahead: Learning from Past Commission Leadership (Tuesday, May 24 12pm ET)

Prior related posts:

May 6, 2022 at 04:16 PM | Permalink


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