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September 14, 2022
Rounding up lots of notable headlines and stories
Busy times means I sometimes need to cover a lot of stories of interest through a round-up post. This is one of those posts:
From AL.com, "‘We have to do something’: Alabama lawmaker pitches increased penalties for fentanyl traffickers as overdoses mount"
From Bloomberg Law, "Ninth Circuit Standard Sentencing Terms Ruling Highlights Split"
From CBS News, "Minnesota man sentenced to life in prison for selling fentanyl in 11 fatal overdoses: 'Your disregard for human life is terrifying'"
From the Chicago Tribune, "An Illinois man is serving a life sentence for 6 grams of cocaine. He is fighting to be freed."
From Florida Politics, "Not so deadly DeSantis — law and order Governor has signed fewer death warrants than predecessors"
From The Guardian, "‘My emancipation proclamation’: the man fighting to free millions from their criminal records"
From NPR, "110 people once sentenced to life in prison as juveniles convene for 'freedom party'"
From Politico, "Arrests in New Jersey for small-time cannabis dealing plummet post-legalization"
From Time, "People Age Out of Crime. Prison Sentences Should Reflect That"
From WGHP, "Why do some of NC’s convicted killers get parole and others don’t?"
From WHYY, "Sentencing reform, or getting tough on crime? Oz and Fetterman on criminal justice"
September 14, 2022 at 08:44 PM | Permalink
The Kentucky Legislature has found an interesting way to increase the punishment for distributing fentanyl here. They upped the percentage of the sentence the defendant must serve before being considered for parole to 85% from 50%; the sentences themselves have not changed.
Posted by: Jim Gormley | Sep 14, 2022 11:29:04 PM