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October 13, 2022

New DEPC resource highlights "Drugs on the Ballot: 2022" (and in prior elections)

I am very pleased to be able to promote this great new resource page, titled "Drugs on the Ballot: 2022," authored by the great staff at the Drug Enforcement and Policy Center (DEPC) at The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law.  The page not only details  cannabis-related ballot initiatives that voters will be considering in five states this November, but it also provides a set of maps and timelines of efforts to enact and implement state cannabis reforms over time, via both ballot measures and legislation. 

This new resource was developed in conjunction with this exciting online DEPC event scheduled for later this month (October 25 at noon EDT) titled "Cannabis on the Ballot: Lessons Learned from the Marijuana Reform Movement."  The registration page for the event is at this link, and here is its description:

Ever since California voters legalized medical marijuana via ballot initiative in 1996, many advocates in the U.S. have embraced direct democracy as a means to bypass reluctant legislatures to advance marijuana legalization and broader drug policy reforms. But reforms advanced through ballot initiatives can raise distinct political and policy challenges, and recent initiatives have sometimes produced legal uncertainty about regulatory regimes and even new limits on the availability of direct democracy.  On the eve of another major election, please join our panel of experts as they discuss the pros and cons of efforts to enact and implement drug policy reforms via the ballot box and these efforts’ impact on direct democracy more generally. 

October 13, 2022 at 11:26 AM | Permalink


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