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October 9, 2022

Rounding up a few (of many) reactions to Prez Biden's marijuana possession pardons

President Joe Biden's marijuana actions on Thursday (basics here and here) were sure to generate a lot of buzz (pun intended?), and it would be impossible here to round up all of the reactions.  So I will be content here to just flag a few pieces that caught my eye:

From the AP, "Racial equity in marijuana pardons requires states’ action"

From Axios, "The politics of Biden's marijuana pardons"

From Fox News, "North Carolina governor pushes to legalize marijuana possession after Biden pardons: 'End this stigma'"

From Law Dork, "Biden's marijuana moves: The good, the bad, and the ugly"

From Marijuana Moment, "Will Governors Issue Marijuana Pardons Following Biden’s Call To Action? Dozens Are Already Weighing In"

From Reason.com, "Biden's Marijuana Reforms Are Long Overdue but Will Have Just a Modest Impact"

From Yahoo! Entertainment, "Bill Maher High-Fives Biden for Marijuana Pardons: Pot-Smokers ‘Do Show Up to Vote’"

October 9, 2022 at 08:53 PM | Permalink


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