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October 13, 2022
US Sentencing Commission produces "additional analyses" of those receiving federal marijuana possession pardons
In an update to this post last week, I noted that the US Sentencing Commission had produced this three-page analysis of "data relating to offenders sentenced between fiscal year 1992 and fiscal year 2021 convicted of at least one count of simple possession involving marijuana." That analysis explained where "senior administration officials" were getting the talking point that around 6500 people were going to benefit from President Joe Biden's decision to grant a blanket pardon to "all current United States citizens and lawful permanent residents who committed the offense of simple possession of marijuana in violation of the Controlled Substances Act" That USSC accounting also led me to wonder if we might ever get "race and gender and age and criminal history information" regarding this now-pardoned population.
Excitingly, late yesterday the US Sentencing Commission issued this news advisory announcing that it had completed "additional analyses" of the pardoned population "providing additional information on demographics and geographic distribution." The additional USSC analyses include race and gender data (but no age and criminal history data), and the biggest story in the new analyses seems to be that the pardoned population is comprised of more Whites (41.3%) and Hispanics (31.8%) than Blacks (23.6%). This reality may be a bit surprising given that the ACLU has repeatedly documented that states have in recent decades arrested Blacks at nearly four times the rate as whites (see here and here). But since most federal marijuana possession offenses are concentrated near the border or on federal property (like military bases and national parks), this racial distribution perhaps should not be all that surprising.
Prior related posts:
- October surprise: Prez Biden announces he is "pardoning all prior federal offenses of simple marijuana possession"! Wow!
- A few more details about President Biden's mass pardon of federal offenses of simple possession of marijuana
- Rounding up a few (of many) reactions to Prez Biden's marijuana possession pardons
- Prez Biden's one miss in his marijuana moves: failing to urge Congress to move on federal record relief mechanisms
October 13, 2022 at 03:52 PM | Permalink