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December 30, 2022
President Joe Biden closes out 2022 by granting full pardons to six people
I was pleased to learn this afternoon that President Joe Biden took out his clemency pen on the last working day of 2022 and granted full pardons to six individuals. The list of recipients is set forth in this official "Clemency Recipient List," and here are the basics from that list:
Gary Parks Davis – Yuma, Arizona
Gary Parks Davis is a 66-year-old man who pleaded guilty to use of a communication facility (a telephone) to facilitate an unlawful cocaine transaction at age 22....Edward Lincoln De Coito III – Dublin, California
Edward Lincoln De Coito III is a 50-year-old man who pleaded guilty to involvement in a marijuana trafficking conspiracy at age 23; his involvement was limited to serving as a courier on five or six occasions....Vincente Ray Flores – Winters, California
Vincente Ray Flores is a 37-year-old man who, at approximately age 19, consumed ecstasy and alcohol while serving in the military; he later pleaded guilty at a special court-martial....Beverly Ann Ibn-Tamas – Columbus, Ohio
Beverly Ann Ibn-Tamas is an 80-year-old woman who was convicted of murder in the second-degree while armed for killing her husband. Ms. Ibn-Tamas, 33 at the time of the incident, was pregnant and testified that before and during her pregnancy, her husband beat her, verbally abused her, and threatened her....Charlie Byrnes Jackson – Swansea, South Carolina
Charlie Byrnes Jackson is a 77-year-old man who pleaded guilty to one count of possession and sale of distilled spirits without tax stamps. The offense, which occurred when Mr. Jackson was 18, involved a single illegal whiskey transaction, and resulted in nominal loss to the government....John Dix Nock III – St. Augustine, Florida
John Dix Nock III is a 72-year-old man who pleaded guilty to one count of renting and making for use, as an owner, a place for the purpose of manufacturing marijuana plants.
December 30, 2022 at 06:57 PM | Permalink
Charlie Byrnes Jackson , man what a desperado.
Posted by: Soronel Haetir | Jan 1, 2023 11:51:55 AM
Top notch work as usual from this administration. Really making an impact.
Posted by: AFPD | Jan 2, 2023 10:56:43 AM
AFPD, are you being sarcastic?
One question, AFPD, what are your thoughts on the federal prosecution of those who "stole" Ashley Biden's diary? She left it behind when she cleared out--so it was "abandoned." In any event, I'd think you and your ilk would be up in arms about such an aggressive response.
I think that those who have led decades of a law-abiding life post-prison (depending on the crime) should be strongly considered for a pardon. I am confident that there are more than six of those.
Posted by: federalist | Jan 3, 2023 9:43:17 AM