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January 1, 2023

Another year-end report from the Chief Justice with a few federal criminal caseload highlights

The Chief Justice of the United States always closes out a calendar year by releasing a year-end report on the federal judiciary, and that report typically includes some notable federal criminal justice caseload data.  Chief Justice John G. Roberts' 2022 version of the year end report can be found at this link, and here are some data excerpts that might interesting federal criminal justice fans:

In the regional courts of appeals, filings fell six percent from 44,546 to 41,839 in FY 2022.  This represents a 14 percent drop from FY 2019, the last full year prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Total civil appeals were down five percent from the prior year to 22,181.  Criminal appeals were down six percent from the prior year to 9,973.... Prisoner petitions accounted for 22 percent of appeals filings (a total of 9,401), and 86 percent of prisoner petitions were filed pro se, compared with 34 percent of other civil filings....

The federal district courts docketed 68,315 criminal defendant filings in FY 2022, eight percent fewer than the prior year. This represents a 26 percent drop from FY 2019.  The largest categories of criminal defendant filings involved drug offenses, which decreased 15 percent to 19,589, and immigration offenses, which decreased one percent to 19,148....

A total of 122,872 persons were under post-conviction supervision on September 30, 2022, an increase of less than one percent from the prior year and a five percent decrease compared to FY 2019.  Of that number, 109,781 were serving terms of supervised release after leaving correctional institutions, an increase of one percent.  Cases activated in the pretrial services system, including pretrial diversions, fell four percent to 73,690. Pretrial case activations were 32 percent lower than in FY 2019.

January 1, 2023 at 01:50 PM | Permalink


It's interesting that the number of appeals declined after the pandemic. I expected an increase.

Posted by: Anon | Jan 1, 2023 2:42:19 PM

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