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June 19, 2023

Notable "Racial Injustice Report" released by Philadelphia DA office on Juneteenth

As reported in this local article, headlined "New report finds evidence of racial disparity in Philadelphia police stops and sentencing," the Philadelphia District Attorney's Office released a significant new report on racial disparities in the city's justice system. Here is a partial summary from the press piece:

Black Philadelphians continue to be overrepresented in arrests and criminal charges compared to the broader population. That’s one of the key findings in the District Attorney’s Racial Injustice Report issued Monday. Despite increased focus on that disparity in recent years, the DA’s report finds the gap in treatment for Black residents has worsened as a result of federal, state, and local laws and policies.

To produce the report, the District Attorney’s Transparency Analytics Lab “analyzes data and outcomes that are only accessible to criminal legal system partners in order to provide the public with a transparent accounting of how systemic racism and economic inequality continue to present in — and are compounded by — policing, incarceration, and the criminal courts.”

The report found that between 2015 and 2022, Black defendants were charged at a disproportionately higher rate in seven out of the eight most common criminal categories. It also found that Black and Latino residents convicted of aggravated assault or burglary are “more likely to be sentenced to incarceration than white individuals convicted of the same crime.”

The full 68-page report is available at this link. Here is a portion of the report's discussion of sentencing disparities:

Disparities in sentencing are more pronounced than at any other stage of the criminal legal system.  Black people represent 65% of people sentenced to incarceration and 71% of people sentenced to two or more years, despite representing fewer than 60% of those convicted.  Notably, the disproportionalities in incarceration rates are larger than those at both stops and arrests.

In addition to representing a greater proportion, Black defendants also see a higher absolute number of carceral sentences.  As seen in the figure below, Black defendants receive the longest sentences on average, while white defendants receive the shortest.  Sentence lengths for AAPI and Latinx individuals' range between the two. The seriousness and circumstances of a convicted offense has the greatest impact on sentence length, though prior record can play a role.

Much of the difference in sentence lengths is driven by the seriousness of the convicted crime. However, there are persistent racial disparities when looking at individual offense categories.  Black defendants convicted of burglary, were more likely to receive carceral sentences than white and Latinx defendants, even when accounting for prior convictions and illegal firearm charges.  Latinx defendants convicted of PWID charges are also incarcerated at a higher rate, even when they have no serious prior convictions or illegal firearms charges.

June 19, 2023 at 11:54 PM | Permalink


Any work that capitalizes "Black" but not "white" is unworthy of review. But if we are to credit, why do these problems always appear in 'rat run cities? And does the study control for criminal history?

Posted by: federalist | Jun 20, 2023 5:57:21 AM

"And how does the study control"?

Posted by: federalist | Jun 20, 2023 6:08:29 AM


Posted by: federalist | Jun 20, 2023 7:03:51 AM

"Black Philadelphians continue to be overrepresented in arrests and criminal charges compared to the broader population."

Oh, ok. Let's try this one: "Male Philadelphians continue to be overrepresented in arrests and criminal charges compared to the broader population." Or this one: "Philadelphians in their twenties continue to be overrepresented in arrests and criminal charges compared to the broader population."

The whole thing is just more race-huckstering tripe. The reason the three groups I've noted are "overrepresented" in arrests and charges is that they're overrepresented in those who commit crime.

"Overrepresentation" standing by itself is completely meaningless. The people who put out reports like this know it's meaningless, leaving no conclusion to be drawn other than (1) they're dishonest, and (2) what they're doing is simply an attempt to inflame racial division.

Looks like Philadelphia is headed in the same direction as San Francisco, but without the charm. See https://ringsideatthereckoning.substack.com/p/the-lefts-vision-for-america-captured

Posted by: Bill Otis | Jun 20, 2023 9:39:22 AM

This is obviously minor in the great scheme of things, but my son sent me a video the other night of a YouTube channel called “CartNarcs.” It’s a guy who goes to parking lots across the country and confronts people who don’t put their carts away. I found it both humorous and sad to see people fail to take responsibility and attempt to physically assault the “Narc.”

It’s an indictment of our society and peoples’ lack of concern for anyone else. Anyway, he went to Philly and had trouble finding carts in parking lots, because they had all been stolen. He mentioned that SanFran was similar. “Broken windows” is real.

My son said the guy who does it went to Japan for work and decided to do an episode at a Costco there. He couldn’t find a single cart out of place.

It’s not about race. It’s the sickness of our culture, with some parts being sicker than others.

Posted by: TarlsQtr | Jun 20, 2023 1:32:04 PM

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