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August 18, 2023
Celebrating "Drug Enforcement and Policy Center at Five Years"
I am happy to be able to note and celebrate that the OSU academic center that I helped start and help direct is no longer a toddler. As highlighted via this web-based report, the Drug Enforcement and Policy Center has now been up and running for five years.
I hope folks will take a few minutes to check out "Drug Enforcement and Policy Center at Five Years" to get just an overview of just some of the research, service work, and range of educational programs that have been part of DEPC's first five years. I am so proud of so much of what DEPC has done, and in this space I will flag here just a very small slice of DEPC research and programming that might be of particular interest to sentencing fans:
"Dealing in Lives: Imposition of Federal Life Sentences for Drugs from 1990–2020"
"Drug Sentencing Reform in Ohio"
"When a Prison Sentence Becomes Unconstitutional"
"How State Reforms Have Mellowed Federal Enforcement of Marijuana Prohibition"
"President Biden's Pardons: What It Means for Cannabis and Criminal Justice Reform"
"Understanding Drug Sentencing Symposium"
"Special Symposium Issue of Federal Sentencing Reporter: Understanding Drug Sentencing"
I could go on and on, but I will just say again, check out "DEPC at 5"
August 18, 2023 at 09:30 AM | Permalink
Posted by: Bill Otis | Sep 3, 2023 6:58:15 AM